Earnings management, corporate governance and expense stickiness

来源 :China Journal of Accounting Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jjuuhhuu
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Cost and expense stickiness is an important issue in accounting and economics research, and the literature has shown that cost stickiness cannot be separated from managers’ motivations. In this paper, we examine the effects that earnings management has on expense stickiness. Defining small positive profits or small earnings increases as earnings management, we observe significant expense stickiness in the non-earnings-management sub-sample, compared with the earnings-management sub-sample. When we divide expenses into R&D,advertising and other general expenses, we find that managers control expenses mainly by decreasing general expenses. We further examine corporate governance’s effect on expense stickiness. Using factor analysis, we extract eight main factors and find that good corporate governance reduces expense stickiness. Finally, we investigate the interaction effects of earnings management and corporate governance on expense stickiness. The empirical results show that good corporate governance can further reduce cost stickiness,although its effect is not as strong as that of earnings management. Cost and expense stickiness is an important issue in accounting and economics research, and the literature has shown that cost stickiness can not be separated from managers’ motivations. In this paper, we examine the effects that earnings management has on expense stickiness. Defining small positive profits or small earnings increases as earnings management, we observe significant expense stickiness in the non-earnings-management sub-sample, compared with the earnings-management sub-sample, when find dividends into R & D, advertising and other general expenses, we find that Managers manage expenses mainly by decreasing general liability. We further examine corporate governance’s effect on expense stickiness. Using factor analysis, we extract eight main factors and find that good corporate governance reduces expense stickiness. Finally, we investigate the interaction effects of earnings management and corporate governance on expense stickiness. The empirical results show that good corpo rate governance can further reduce cost stickiness, although its effect is not as strong as that of earnings management.
午餐的时间到了,可我却食欲全无。整整一个上午的高烧不退,我被袭来的病痛折磨得连呻吟的力气都没有了。家里人自然很着急。母亲磨破口舌劝我吃饭,我却无力回应。正在 The l
1. 下列加点字的读音,全都正确的一组是()  A. 骨气(gǔ)肖像(xiāo)功成名遂(suí)暴殄天物(tiǎn)  B. 聒噪(guō)尽管(jǐn)噤若寒蝉(jìn)斐然成章(fěi)  C. 信笺(qiān)讣告(bǔ)称心如意(chèn)浑金璞玉(pú)  D. 琴弦(xuán)惭怍(zuò)恣意妄为(zì)乘人之危(chèn)  2. 下列各句中,没有错别字的一项是()  A. 置