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目的 了解上海市2013-2018年报告的人感染H7N9禽流感确诊病例的流行病学、临床、病原学特征,分析流行现状,评价防控效果并提出防控建议.方法 收集整理确诊病例个案资料,开展流行病学分析.结果 2013-2018年共报告实验室确诊病例55例,发病时间主要集中在冬春季;2014年起上海市开始实施季节性关闭活禽市场政策,市场关闭期间仅报告2例,均有且仅有外省市活禽接触史.60岁及以上病例占报告病例总数54.55%;80.0%为男性;职业分布以离退人员为主(47.27%).地区分布高度散发,郊区多于市区.90.91%病例有活禽暴露史,29.09%的病例有吸烟喝酒等不良习惯,74.55%病例有至少一项基础性疾病史.81.82%病例发展至重症肺炎,病死率56.36%.结论 上海市人感染H7N9禽流感病例高度散发,病例多数发展成重症,预后较差.感染的主要暴露因素为直接接触活禽或暴露于活禽市场.采取季节性关闭活禽市场等综合性防控策略,可有效防控包括新型禽流感病毒感染在内的人禽流感疫情.“,”Objective To understand the epidemiological,clinical and etiological characteristics of confirmed cases of human avian influenza A (H7N9) virus infections reported in Shanghai from 2013 to 2018,so as to evaluate the effectiveness of current prevention and control measures and to provide relative recommendations.Methods Data of the laboratory confirmed human cases of influenza A (H7N9) virus infections in Shanghai from 2013 to 2018 were collected for epidemiological analysis.Result Fifty-five laboratory confirmed cases were reported from 2013 to 2018 in Shanghai.Most of the cases occurred during winter and spring.Since 2014,the policy of seasonal closure of live poultry markets has been implemented in Shanghai.Only 2 cases were reported when the markets were closed,and both cases had and only had a history of exposure to live poultry in other provinces and cities.The cases of 60 years old and above accounted for 54.55% of all reported cases.Male cases accounted for 80% of all cases.In the occupational distribution,retiree was the main group (47.27%).For the geographical distribution,the cases were highly sporadic,with more cases in rural areas than urban areas.Of all cases,90.91% had history of exposure to live poultry;29.09% had unhealthy behaviors,including smoking and alcohol drinking;74.55% had at least one underlying disease;and 81.82% developed severe pneumonia.The case fatality rate of 56.36%.Conclusions The human cases of influenza A (H7N9) virus infections in Shanghai were highly sporadic.Most of the cases developed into the critical condition with poor prognosis.The main exposure factors for the infections were direct exposure to live poultry or in live poultry markets.Comprehensive prevention and control strategies,such as seasonal closure of live poultry markets,can effectively prevent and control human infections of avian influenza virus,including novel avian influenza viruses.
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