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北京读者牧平、赫章读者孔卫星等同志对《电影评介》1980年第二期上刊载的苏仲伟、郑德明二位同志写的《一个极不真实的细节》一文,提出了一些不同的看法,现综合发表如下。苏、郑二同志认为影片《小花》中有两个细节“极不真实”,其实,这不是它们不真实,而是苏、郑二同志没能细心看影片所得出的错误结论。影片《小花》中有这样一组镜头:赵永生与敌人搏斗时滚到山崖下,看见一个没死的国民党士兵,愤怒地举棍欲打,突然他发现这个士兵胸前有条条鞭伤,使他意识到这是一被国民党强迫抓去当兵的穷苦人,这才放下木棍,为他包头上的伤,并在他的手上写下“我们都是受苦人,不为国民党卖命”这两行字。影片中“胸前的鞭伤”这个镜头是不可忽视的。如果二位同志看清了这个镜头,对赵永生放下棍子给他包伤等镜头,就不会感到突然了;对这个国民党士兵受到感教后参加革 Beijing Reader MuPing and Hezhang reader Kong Weixing and others commented on “a very unrealistic detail” written by two comrades SU Zongwei and ZHENG Deming published in the second issue of “Film Review,” and put forward some different opinions. Comprehensive published below. Comrade Su and Zheng commented that there are two details “extremely unrealistic” in the film “Little Flowers”. Actually, this is not because they are not true. Rather, Comrade Su and Comrade Jiang failed to carefully read the erroneous conclusion reached by the film. In the movie “Little Flower”, there is such a group of shots: When Zhao Yongsheng scrambled against the enemy and rolled to the cliff, he saw an undeveloped Kuomintang soldier who raged indignantly for a fight. Suddenly he noticed that the soldier had a whipped wound on his chest, Making him aware that this was a poor man forced by Kuomintang troops to take part as a soldier. This lay down wooden sticks, wounds on his toes and wrote in his hand that “we are all suffering people, and we will not sacrifice our lives for the Kuomintang ”These two lines. The movie “chest whip” this lens can not be ignored. If the two comrades saw this shot, they would not feel sudden loss of Zhao Yongsheng’s stick and other injuries to his camera.
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