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近年来,由于矿产品价格高涨,在短期行为和 急功近利思想支配下,各地盲目上项目、扩规模, 围绕矿产资源采选及加工的企业数目迅速增加,抢 资源的趋势愈演愈烈,造成矿业生产秩序混乱。这 些新增企业大都规模小、设备落后、技术力量薄 弱、安全措施简陋、环保设施几乎没有,资源利 用率低下。如小煤矿原煤回采率仅有35%,不及 国营大企业的一半;黄金的矿石开采率只有50%。 这些先天不足企业的进入,使无证采矿、越界采 矿、以采代探、乱挖滥采、采富弃贫等现象日趋 严重,资源严重浪费,生态环境遭到破坏,可开 采储量急剧下降,有的甚至接近枯竭。 In recent years, due to the soaring prices of mineral products, with the short-term behavior and rapid succession and near-term ideology dominated, the number of blind projects and expansion of scale around the country has rapidly increased and the trend of grabbing resources has intensified, causing chaos in mining production order . Most of these newly-added enterprises are small-scale, outdated equipment, weak technical strength, poor security measures, few environmental protection facilities and low utilization of resources. Such as small coal mines only 35% recovery rate, less than half of large state-owned enterprises; gold ore mining rate of only 50%. These innate shortage of enterprises to enter, so that undocumented mining, cross-border mining, mining and exploration, indiscriminate excavation, mining enrichment abandoned the phenomenon of more and more serious, serious waste of resources, ecological environment has been destroyed, a drastic decline in recoverable reserves, there are Even near-exhausted.
In order to investigate whether zinc atom is compatible with 1 ,3 ,3-trinitroazetidine (TNAZ) structure ,TNAZ+Zn and 2TNAZ+Zn composite systems have been consid
Few-mode fiber Bragg grating (FM-FBG) has wide applications in the field of multi-wavelength fiber lasers and fiber-optic sensing. In this letter, FBG is succes