来源 :International Journal of Sediment Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:long96169
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This paper summarizes the design equations for local scour depth around bridge abutments as proposed by different investigators, and also the different factors, affecting the scour depth. Methods for the estimation of local scour depth based on dimensional analysis are also presented. The design methods based on empirical relations such as flow depth, flow intensity, sediment characteristics, abutments shape and size, alignment, and approach channel geometry are also discussed. Since clear-water scour is the maximum scour depth, the equation for clear-water scour is recommended for the computation of local scour depth around bridge abutments for uniformly and non- uniformly graded sediments. This paper summarizes the design equations for local scour depth around bridge abutments as proposed by different investigators, and also the different factors, affecting the scour depth. Methods for the estimation of local scour depth based on dimensional analysis are also presented. The design methods based on empirical relations such as flow depth, flow intensity, sediment characteristics, abutments shape and size, alignment, and approach channel geometry are also discussed. Since clear-water scour is the maximum scour depth, the equation for clear-water scour is recommended for the computation of local scour depth around bridge abutments for uniformly and non-uniformly graded sediments.
D .V .格里菲恩等人对有限元法 (FEM )和极限平衡法(LEM)在二维条件下计算获得的边坡安全系数作了各种数值比较。他们得出结论 ,在估算边坡安全系数方面 ,采用弹塑 (Mohr-Coulomb)本构模型的FEM是一
1967年,世界性的科技情报系统——世界科学技术情报系统(Universal Infomati=SysTem Science and Technology简称UNISIST)建立。其书目著录工作小组意识到需要有一种能被世
1 概况崇明岛位于长江口,是我国的第三大岛,它是一个典型的河口沙岛,三面环江,东濒东海,砥柱中流,镇守着长江的门户,素有“东海瀛洲”之称。界于东经121°09′31″~121°54′
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