Compressional wave velocity and phase transformation for a trachybasalt at 2.0 GPa and up to 1623 K

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Compressional wave velocity (Vp) in a trachybasalt sample, collected from Yichun county, Henan province, was measured at 2.0 GPa and up to 1 623 K using a multi-anvil pressure apparatus, YJ-3000 press. The run products were gained under the same pressure at different temperature. The thin sections of the run products were observed. The results show the phase transformation occurred in the trachybasalt in parallel with the variation of Vp in the trachybasalt. The relationship between the change of Vp and the phase transformation (including hydrous mineral dehydration, solid-solid phase transformation and partial melting) is discussed. The experimental data presented here are of significant importance for inferring the geological process in the earth s interior. Compressional wave velocity (Vp) in a trachybasalt sample, collected from Yichun county, Henan province, was measured at 2.0 GPa and up to 1 623 K using a multi-anvil pressure apparatus, YJ-3000 press. The run products were gained under the The pressure sections of the run products were observed. The results show the phase in occurred in the trachybasalt in parallel with the variation of Vp in the trachybasalt. The relationship between the change of Vp and the phase transformation (including hydrous mineral dehydration, solid-solid phase transformation and partial melting) is discussed. The experimental data presented here are of significant importance for inferring the geological process in the earth s interior.
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