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温室大棚常因为未能及时通风换气,棚室内一些有害气体的浓度增高,而使栽培的蔬菜受到毒气的危害。不仅影响正常的生长发育,而且会降低蔬菜的产量和品质。因此,解决好棚室内的毒气障害,具有很高的经济效益和社会效益。以下介绍这些气害的识别症状、发生原因和防治对策。1 氨气和亚硝酸气体危害两者均是由施用过量氮素化肥和未腐熟有机肥所致,它们的识别症状有类似的地方,但它们的发生条件却有很大的差别。 Greenhouse often because of failure to timely ventilation, shed some of the harmful gas concentrations increased, leaving the cultivation of vegetables by the poison gas hazards. Not only affect the normal growth and development, but also reduce the yield and quality of vegetables. Therefore, to solve the greenhouse gas barrier, with high economic and social benefits. The following describes the identification of these gas hazards symptoms, causes and prevention measures. 1 Ammonia and nitrous acid hazards both caused by the application of excess nitrogen fertilizers and non-decomposed organic fertilizers, their identification symptoms are similar, but their conditions are very different.
继提名副国务卿约翰·博尔顿担任美国驻联合国代表后,布什又任命其幕僚中的超级强硬派人物在国际组织中担任要职 Following the nomination of Under-Secretary of State Jo