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  This Forum comes at a time of cataclysmic tumult in the world economy, which challenges the basic premises and practices which have driven the unprecedented expansion of the economy in recent years. In fact, the precipitous collapse of some of the world抯 leading financial institutions in the United States has spread so rapidly and been accompanied by a severe decline in the economy and its prospects has shocked world leaders into the realization that this is no mere cyclical downturn, but a fundamental shock, verging on collapse to the financial and economic system which we have come to take for granted. Governments and experts who did not foresee this crisis have had to respond to it with an unprecedented degree of direct intervention in the economy and its institutions which may have temporarily eased the pressures but we cannot yet know whether they will save us from the kind of collapse that would trigger a global depression.
  The strength, the resilience, and the generally good management of China抯 economy will reduce the impacts of this on China. But as we are already seeing, China will not be immune to them and indeed those sectors and those regions which are especially dependent on foreign exports are already suffering and are not likely to recover quickly though the government is already taking special measures to alleviate the plight of those affected and ensure social stability.
  This profound process of change clearly affects the role of foreign experts and the ways they can best contribute to recovery of the affected areas of China抯 economy and the transition to the sustainable pathway, guided by science, to the harmonious society which China抯 leaders have articulated so well. Of course, specialized expertise will still be required in particular instances, and must be applied with a high degree of understanding of the systemic relationships between the particular issue being addressed and the broader system of issues of which it is a part.
  An understanding of the interaction and the cause-and-effect relationships between such specific elements and the other elements within this cause-and-effect system is essential if positive results are to be achieved. As China抯 own experts have developed a degree of experience and sophistication which in most areas equals and many surpasses that of foreign experts, I believe it is important that they be integrated within expert teams to which both contribute and from which both benefit. In most instances, the foreign experts will be valuable for the bridge they build between the Chinese and their foreign counterparts. No country today can resolve the challenges it faces in isolation and the current world crisis must give rise to unprecedented levels of cooperation both within and amongst countries.
  The need for an effective international regime for surveillance and regulation of capital movements and the financial institutions through which they flow is dramatically underscored by the U. S. financial meltdown and its global impacts. The demise of leading U. S. institutions, the weakness of its economy and its currency have clearly undermined the leading role of the United States in the world economy. Although that role is likely to be rebuilt, it will never achieve the degree of supremacy it previously enjoyed.The United States must now share with the leading countries of this region, notably China, Japan, India, and of course, this country, leadership of the world抯 financial and economic systems.The crisis of the United States underscores the fact that the center of gravity of the world抯 economic and financial systems is moving to Asia and the current crisis will clearly accelerate that process.
  Although proponents of both socialism and capitalism continue to stress their ideological differences, in practice these are becoming much less relevant as socialist countries move towards the market economy and even the leading capitalist country, the United States, is resorting to socialist solutions in response to its financial crisis. Indeed it is ironic that as the United States is forced to take ownership or control of major private sector institutions, the world抯 principal socialist country, China, is privatizing many of its state enterprises in implementation of its commitment to harmonious development through a science-guided 揝ocialist Market Economy?
  With these remarks, I have tried to share with you my deep belief in the critically, indeed leading, role that China can play in the transition to a new world economic structure which fully integrates into the economy the measures required to make the transition to a sustainable development pathway guided by science which will produce the harmonious society to which its leaders are committed for the benefit of all of its people. In doing so, China will make a distinctive and indispensable contribution to the kind of more peaceful, equitable, sustainable world society which could and should emerge from the current crisis. This most timely and important Forum can point the way.
  ( Extract of Hon. Maurice F. Strong抯 Speech to the International Talents Summit Forum of the China Conference on International Exchange of Professionals, Shenzhen, China, November 29th, 2008, who didn抰 attend the conference in person for a certain reason.)
这是我和我太太第五次来中国,2009年2月我们还会回来,还在河北师大物理系任教。可能有人会问,为什么我和我太太退休以后要来中国?为什么在可以颐养天年的时候还要继续工作?  我想说:在中国的经历给了我们完全不同的生活体验。在加拿大,我们有很舒适的生活环境,身边有家人、朋友,并享受着碧水蓝天。可是,加拿大没有中国这样深厚的文化底蕴。我们的历史很短,只有400年。所以我们很难想象几千年历史。在中国,离石
记得2005年丹桂飘香的时节,在杭州召开的“全球多元文化论坛”上,坐在我身边的一位白皮肤、高鼻子、褐色眼睛的青年人彬彬有礼,帅气十足。他边认真听论坛发言,边熟练地用中文记笔记,当时很是让我大吃一惊。后来当听他开口说汉语时,说得一口流利的普通话,这又一次让我吃了一惊。如今,3年过去了,当时作为波兰驻华使馆参会的代表、二等秘书的帕维乌·米莱夫斯基,现在已晋升为使馆的文化参赞。  为了便于交往,让中国朋
中澳人才交流    自上个世纪80年代后,随着中国经济的迅速发展,全球一体化时代的到来,中澳之间的合作交流有了突飞猛进的发展,在行业培训、贸易往来以及高科技等领域的人才交流更加频繁,前往澳大利亚的公务人员、留学人员以及旅游的人数和规模都有了很大程度的增长,经济贸易上的合作也更加紧密。  澳大利亚联邦国际合作协会是以澳大利亚上世纪80年代建立的国际联络信息网为基础,以增进国际友好往来与交流,开拓国家
沈源先生是一个在第一次见面就会给你留下深刻印象的人。他个子虽然不高,但言谈举止中展现出毫不做作的热情和挥洒自如的典雅。凝视他的眸子,你仿佛能看到他十余年在IBM打拼出来的一种成熟和自信。作为7N公司的中国区掌门人,沈源先生正在把一种全新的合伙人就业理念注入到我国传统的IT外包业。  他告诉我们,7N公司创建于上世纪60年代的丹麦。经过近半个世纪的发展,已经成为世界知名的IT咨询和培训公司。当我们请
2008年12月10日,河南省修武县岸上村村委会主任助理李小菊等19位新农村建设试点村负责人和农业产业化带头人启程赴日本进行为期21天的“一村一品及新农村建设”学习培训。这是河南省第三次组织农村农业产业化带头人赴日学习培训,由河南省外国专家局资助。  近年来,根据河南省委、省政府关于建设社会主义新农村的要求,省外专局以“一村一品”建设为切入点,大力推进社会主义新农村建设,全省现已建立省“一村一品”
溧阳山清水秀,生态优美,人文荟萃,有“山水绝佳天目湖,感恩信义溧阳城”之美名。溧阳地处长江三角洲中部,位于苏浙皖三省交界处,有“三省通衢”之美誉。近几年发展“一村一品”,使溧阳农村面貌一新,生态更加优美,引来全世界的目光,前不久,2008“一村一品”国际研讨会落户溧阳,与会者为这里通过发展“一村一品”使农民走向富裕、生态更趋优美的现象所感慨,本刊记者专访韩立明市长揭示其中的奥妙。  《国际人才交流
在圣诞和元旦佳节即将到来之际,武汉市外国专家局在新世界酒店举行了2009年迎新年联谊会,与部分在汉外国专家欢聚一堂,辞旧迎新,共贺佳节。这些专家分别来自美国、法国、荷兰、加拿大、德国、希腊、日本等国。  武汉市人民政府副市长岳勇、市政府副秘书长杨国成及武汉市外国专家局局长安卫东参加了联谊活动。岳勇副市长发表了热情洋溢的讲话,他说:即将过去的2008年,是极不平凡的一年。武汉市迎来了“两型社会”建设
当前,国际上研究采用HER-2的基因治疗恶性肿瘤的方法已初露端倪,但尚存在很多问题,如缺乏高效的载体系统,若仅部分肿瘤细胞被导入基因,治疗效果不明显;缺乏特异的导向性载体,若应用具有杀伤力作用的基因,癌旁组织及其他重要组织(如骨髓等)会被累及,因此HER-2诊断试剂的开发及基因治疗的研究将有助于向更个性化治疗发展。  沈阳迈迪生物医学技术有限公司研发的“乳腺癌HER-2单克隆抗体诊断试剂盒”是一种