第一讲 努力提高素质 在新形势下建功立业

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为深入贯彻党的十五大精神,加强党的建设,本刊今年“系列党课”将围绕十五大提出的掀起学习邓小平理论高潮,开展以“三讲”为主要内容的党性党风教育,掌握做好本职工作的知识和本领,努力创造一流的成绩的要求,我们特约中央有关部门撰写党课。全年拟开12讲,即:1、努力提高素质,在新形势下建功立业;2、自觉维护和高举伟大旗帜;3、学风问题第一重要;4、一切从中国的最大国情出发;5、股份制:公有制的一种有效实现形式;6、要发扬民主,也要健全法制;7、领导干部要做学习的模范;8、任何时候都要讲政治;9、坚持民主集中制,增强纪律观念;10、忠诚实践党的宗旨;11、积极投身改革,推进伟大事业;12、学科技、学文化,在市场经济大潮中当先锋。我们力求通过这些党课,促使广大党员深入领会十五大精神,努力提高素质,明确自己的职责所在,在面向21世纪,推进伟大事业中开拓前进,建功立业。今年的党课注重联系实际,增强指导性与可读性。 In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 15th Party Congress and strengthen Party building, this year’s “Series Party Courses” will center on the 15th CPC National Congress set off the climax of studying Deng Xiaoping Theory and carry out the education of party spirit and party style with the “three stresses” as its main content, Master the knowledge and ability to do their own work, and strive to create first-class performance requirements, we specialize in the preparation of the relevant departments of the Central Party class. We plan to open 12 sessions throughout the year, namely: 1. Strive to improve our quality and establish a successful career in the new situation; 2. We will consciously safeguard and hold high the great banner; 3. The study style should be the first issue; 4. Everything should proceed from the greatest national conditions in China; Shareholding system: an effective form of public ownership; 6, to promote democracy, but also improve the legal system; 7, leading cadres to learn model; 8, at any time to talk about politics; 9, adhere to the democratic centralism and enhance the concept of discipline ; 10, loyal to practice the party’s purpose; 11, actively participate in the reform, promote the great cause; 12, science and technology, learning culture, in the tide of market economy. Through these party classes, we urge all party members to thoroughly understand the spirit of the 15th Party Congress, strive to improve their qualities and clarify their own responsibilities. They should make their own careers and work hard in the 21st century by advancing the great cause. This year’s party class focuses on connecting with reality and enhances guidance and readability.
目的 观察中药活脑康对脑缺血大鼠脑组织中TGF-β1和突触素P38表达的影响.方法 用线栓法制备大鼠局灶性脑缺血模型;应用SABC免疫组化染色法观察脑组织中TGF-β1和P38的表达.
随着科学技术的不断发展,电子商务在各行各业中的应用也越来越广泛。在经济全球化的今天,电子商务的发展不仅关系到本国的国民经济,更关系到我国在国际市场中是否占据着有利的竞争地位。因此,我国有关人员必须要加强对电子商务的重视,对电子商务下国际贸易的效应进行具体分析,以便于采取有效的措施,进一步推动电子商务的国际发展。本文就电子商务下国际贸易的运行模式以及电子商务下国际贸易的效应进行具体分析。  一、电子
吉鸿昌将军生前使用的饭碗 在民族英雄吉鸿昌将军纪念馆,陈列着两个一模一样的瓷碗,上面都烧有7个工工整整的墨字:“作官即不许发财”。碗两侧的小字是:“先严筠亭公逝世纪