
来源 :徐州医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bianhao9527
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一、概况 我省处在北纬30.7~35.1°之间,境内长江横贯,苏南为太湖水系的水网地区,苏北有洪泽湖、高邮湖、淮河及运河水系。全省每年平均温度在14℃以上,6—9月份平均在23℃左右,雨量约在760—1500毫米之间,相对湿度在70%以上,农作物等自然条件有利于钩虫卵及其幼虫的发育和传播。根据1958年全省钩虫病普查资料,检查一千余万人,钩虫卵阳性170多万人,平均感染率为15.5%,推算全省钩虫感染人数约787万人。近十多年来由于“四人帮”的干扰和破坏,防治研究队伍受到很大影响,防治工作大大削弱,甚至处于停顿状态,因此钩虫感染率显著上 I. Overview The province is located between 30.7 ~ 35.1 ° north latitude, the territory runs through the Yangtze River and the southern Jiangsu area is the water network of the Taihu Lake water system. There are Hongze Lake, Gaoyou Lake, Huaihe River and canal water system in northern Jiangsu Province. The annual average temperature in the province is above 14 ℃, the average is about 23 ℃ in June-September, the rainfall is about 760-1500 mm, and the relative humidity is above 70%. Natural conditions such as crops are beneficial to hookworm eggs and their larvae Development and dissemination. According to the 1958 survey of hookworm disease in the province, more than 10 million people were examined. The number of hookworm eggs was 1.7 million and the average infection rate was 15.5%. The estimated number of hookworm infection in the province was 7.87 million. In the past decade or so, due to the interference and destruction of the “gang of four”, the prevention and treatment of research teams has been greatly affected, and the prevention and control work has been greatly weakened, even at a standstill, so the hookworm infection rate was significantly
本文记述近13年中,从世界各地病例分离的霍乱弧菌与付溶血性弧菌共计577株,作者将这些菌株对二甲胺四环素(一种新的四环素衍化物)作了敏感性试验。 This article describes
螟铃畏为取代硫脲类型的杀虫剂,化学名称N′—(4—氯邻甲苯基)—N,N—二甲基硫脲,结构式为: Insecticide with aphidicarb instead of thiourea, chemical name N ’- (4-c