比学习 比奉献 比廉洁 树形象 切实提升纪检监察干部队伍素质

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纪检监察干部手握执纪权、执法权、检查权、处理权,身处反腐败斗争的第一线,难免会遇到各种腐蚀与诱惑。因此,加强纪检监察干部队伍自身建设亦是势在必行,而且随着反腐倡廉建设工作的深入开展,这项工作任重道远。忻州市开展的比学习、比奉献、比廉洁、树形象的“三比一树”维护党的纯洁性教育活动,正是加强纪检监察干部队伍建设的创新之举,应当不断引深,持之以恒地坚持下去。 Discipline inspection and supervision cadres holding the executive power, law enforcement, inspection and handling rights, are in the front line of the anti-corruption struggle, will inevitably encounter all kinds of corrosion and temptation. Therefore, it is imperative to strengthen the self-construction of discipline inspection and supervision cadres, and this task has a long way to go as the anti-corruption campaign progresses. Xinzhou City to carry out more than learning, dedication, honesty, tree-like “three-one tree ” to safeguard the purity of the party education activities, it is to strengthen discipline inspection and supervision cadre team building innovation, should continue to deepen, Persevere persist.
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