杏林之花绽金城 记桦甸市人大常委会委员、中医院院长王旭时

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这几年,不论在省里还是在市里,桦甸市中医院的名声越来越大,这与院长王旭时的不懈努力有着直接的联系。这位刚过不惑之年,有着副主任医师、高级政工师、桦甸市劳模、市人大常委会委员等众多头衔的女强人,带领全院职工在激烈的市场竞争中,不断努力,奋勇拚搏,犹如一支迎风斗艳的杏花,在美丽的金城绽放出绚丽夺目的光彩。1994年9月,王旭时从桦甸市人民医院调到中医院任院长兼党支部书记。她到任后,从严治院,尊重人才,发展专科,突出特色,使中医院的两个效益都获得了丰收, In recent years, both in the province and in the city, Huadian City Hospital has gained more and more reputation, which is directly related to the unremitting efforts of Dean Wang Xu. This just after the age of no less than, with deputy chief physician, senior political engineer, Huadian City model workers, Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee and many other women’s titles, led the hospital staff in the fierce market competition, continuous efforts and courageously fighting , Like a blooming wind apricot flowers, in the beautiful Jincheng blooming brilliant eye-catching luster. In September 1994, Wang Xushu transferred from Huadian City People’s Hospital to Chinese Academy of Hospital Dean and Party branch secretary. After she took office, the strict hospital, respect for talent, the development of specialties, highlighting the characteristics of the Hospital of the two benefits have been bumper harvest,
一、《袁世凯全集》概要 《袁世凯全集》为国家清史纂修工程项目文献丛刊之一种,共3600余万字,分装为36卷.正义35卷,索引1卷,采用编年体编辑,繁体字横排印刷,l6开精装本。
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