Biomarkers in Barrett's esophagus and esophageal adenocarcinoma:Predictors of progression and p

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:CaT614
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Barrett’s esophagus is a well-known premalignant lesion of the lower esophagus that is characterized by intestinal metaplasia of the squamous epithelium. It is clinically important due to the increased risk (0.5% per annum) of progression to esophageal adenocarcinoma (EA), which has a poor outcome unless diagnosed early. The current clinical management of Barrett’s esophagus is hampered by the lack of accurate predictors of progression. In addition, when patients develop EA, the current staging modalities are limited in stratifying patients into different prognostic groups in order to guide the optimal therapy for an individual patient. Biomarkers have the potential to improve radically the clinical management of patients with Barrett’s esophagus and EA but have not yet entered mainstream clinical practice. This is in contrast to other cancers like breast and prostate for which biomarkers are utilized routinely to inform clinical decisions. This review aims to highlight the most promising predictive and prognostic biomarkers in Barrett’s esophagus and EA and to discuss what is required to move the field forward towards clinical application. Barrett’s esophagus is a well-known premalignant lesion of the lower esophagus that is characterized by intestinal metaplasia of the squamous epithelium. It is clinically important due to the increased risk (0.5% per annum) of progression to esophageal adenocarcinoma (EA), which has The current clinical management of Barrett’s esophagus is hampered by the lack of accurate predictors of progression. In addition, when patients develop EA, the current staging modalities are limited in stratifying patients into different prognostic groups in order to guide the optimal therapy for an individual patient. Biomarkers have the potential to improve radically the clinical management of patients with Barrett’s esophagus and EA but have not yet mainstream before practice practice. This is in contrast to other cancers like breast and prostate for which biomarkers are utilized routinely to inform clinical decisions. This review aims to highlight the most promising predictive and prognostic biomarkers in Barrett’s esophagus and EA and to discuss what is required to move the field forward towards clinical application.
摘 要:从事语文教学二十余载,与之结下了不解之缘,深知其中的艰辛与乐趣,恰逢“素质教育”与“新课改”的春风,给语文教学带来了无限生机,自己更加挚爱这份工作,谈一些教学经验与体会。  关键词:教学;修养;实践  一、语文教学需要教师不断提升自己的素质  为了使语文教学呈现活力,让学生喜欢语文,乐学语文,走进语文世界。作为教师,必须不断充电,提高品位,更新知识结构,强化专业知识,为语文教学激起一潭活水