Heat transfer in high density electronics packaging

来源 :Journal of Central South University of Technology(English Ed | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a123458a
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In order to get an insight into the thermal characteristic and to evaluate the thermal reliability of the “System in Packaging”(SIP), a new solution of electronics packaging, a heat transfer model of SIP was developed to predict the heat dissipation capacity and to investigate the effect of different factors on the tempe rature distribution in the electronics. The affecting parameters under consideration include the thermophysical properties of the substrates, the coefficient of convection heat transfer, the thickness of the chip, and the density of power dissipation. ALGOR, a kind of finite element analysis software,was used to do the model simulation. Based on the simulation and analysis of the heat conduction and convection resistance, criteria for the thermal design were established and possible measurement for enhancing power dissipation was provided. The results show that the heat transfer model provides a new and effective way to the thermal design and thermal analysis of SIP and to the mechanical analysis for the further investigation of SIP. In order to get insight into the thermal characteristic and to evaluate the thermal reliability of the “System in Packaging ” (SIP), a new solution of electronics packaging, a heat transfer model of SIP was developed to predict the heat dissipation capacity and to investigate the effect of different factors on the tempe rature distribution in the electronics. The affecting parameters under consideration include the thermophysical properties of the substrates, the coefficient of convection heat transfer, the thickness of the chip, and the density of power dissipation. Based on the simulation and analysis of the heat conduction and convection resistance, criteria for the thermal design were established and possible measurement for enhancing power dissipation was provided. The ALGOR, a kind of finite element analysis software, was used to do the model simulation. results show that the heat transfer model provides a new and effective way to the thermal design and thermal analysis of SI P and to the mechanical analysis for the further investigation of SIP.
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