Symptoms relieved after tumor removal in a case of dermatomyositis associated with hepatocellular ca

来源 :中国人民解放军军医大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:A251321741
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A case of dermatomyositis associated with hepatocellular carcinoma is reported in a 43-year-old man,in which removal of the tumor resulted in great improvement of dermatomyositis.The patient had shown aggravating symptoms of dermatomyositis including manifestations of typical skin rashes and muscle weakness six months before he came to our hospital. He had no history of drug allergy and took no medicine in these days.When first visiting the dermatological clinic,he complained of discomforts in skin and muscle manifestation and was diagnosed as having dermatomyositis.At the same time,ACT scan discovered a resectable liver tumor in the right lobe.Then he came to our hospital and asked for surgical treatment.Removal of the tumor resulted in great improvement of dermatomyositis and recurrence of liver tumor was followed by resumption of dermatomyositis.
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