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本文是加拿大著名作家玛格丽特·阿特伍德(Margare Atwood)给美国的一封公开信。作者玛格丽特·阿特伍德是20世纪加拿大文坛上为数不多的享有国际盛名的诗人,小说家中的佼佼者,被誉为“加拿大文学皇后”,在欧美的影响极大。在这封充满嘲谑基调的信中,她以独特而深刻的洞察力,剖析和批评了美国的现状及所作所为,尢其反对发动伊拉克战争。她时而似一位多年老友,循循劝诫,晓之以理,动之以情;时而似一位若口婆心的良师,谆谆教诲,诲这不倦。她的信,文笔优美细腻,意境开阔而睿智,旁征博引,涉及了美国的文化、生活、宗教等方方面面,另一方面,文章体现出作者独树一帜的艺术感染力,语言生动诙谐,语感犀利,是一篇难得的美文佳作。 This article is an open letter from the famous Canadian writer Margare Atwood to the United States. Author Margaret Atwood is one of the few poets who enjoy international fame in the 20th century Canadian literary world. The best known novelist is known as “Queen of Canadian Literature” and has a great influence in Europe and the United States. In this letter full of ridicule, she has analyzed and criticized the status quo in the United States and her actions with her unique and profound insights. In particular, she opposes the war in Iraq. She was like an old friend for many years, and she followed her advice, knowing her reason, moving with emotions; sometimes she seemed to be a good teacher, and she taught her how to do this. Her letter is beautifully detailed, artistic and open-minded, wise, and quoting. It involves American culture, life, religion and other aspects. On the other hand, the article reflects the unique artistic appeal of the author. His language is vivid and humorous, and his sense of language is sharp. A rare piece of beautiful English writing.
Friendship is more like a tree than a flower. To be exact, it is an evergreen tree. A flower is too flimsy to stand1 the wind or storm, but a tree can. It has
禾木晨曦  的晨曦  展开雾一般的羽翼  与我的意念相符  迁徙的候鸟  遗落几片白色羽翼  被持重的山酋长插在头顶  白雾还未苏醒  散落于山谷的木屋  仿佛酣睡的醉汉  不知哪家的炊烟袅袅  懒懒地浮起  宛如昨夜的酒歌  木栅栏外  一头安卧的奶牛  咀嚼山色  牛犊的童声祷告  无须教堂  推开一扇简易木门  铁炉里鼾声如雷  疲惫的长靴倒在一旁  马头琴保留着驰骋的姿态  琴头的羽毛  
①sandwich grandma grandchild wednesday②climb③ah wheel hour what oh where school when yeah white why which 1sandwich grandma grandchild wednesday2climb3ah w
University of Waterloo 滑铁卢大学Motto:Concordia cum veritate-Latin for“In harmony with truth”University of Toronto 多伦多大学Motto:Velut arbor evo-Latin for
学习策略是指学生为了有效地学习和发展而采取的各种行动和步骤。[1]它既是指学习者的心理过程 ,也指其具体行为。它包括认知策略和元认知策略。认知策略是指直接促进语言学习的
当“旺仔qq糖”、“我的可比克”从话都还说不太清楚的宝宝嘴里说出来的时候,不要惊讶,这就是广告的魅力。帮助宝宝正确看广告,你会得到意想不到的效果哦!    宝宝为何“爱上”了广告?    不少家长发现孩子长到1岁左右,就开始对电视广告产生浓厚的兴趣。青青妈妈告诉我们明明宝宝什么都看不太懂,可是看到广告就会显得特别兴奋,又蹦又跳的。还会把一些广告词背下来,高兴了,“咿咿呀呀”地背给大人听。  心理学