修辞手法背后的真实向往 ——浅析《雪》中意象的深层意蕴

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《雪》是鲁迅先生著名的散文诗篇章之一,选于诗集《野草》,属于抒情性作品。作为抒情性作品,它有其独特的一面。在抒情性作品中作者抒情总包含着对现实的反应,《雪》中作者的特殊感受在于着力表现朔方的雪和江南的雪,来体现作者自身的观点。鲁迅在描写南方的雪和北方的雪体现的不同之处,隐蔽传达了他这样的情感:对南方的雪所象征的美好事物的理想和向往,对北方的雪所象征的孤独的反抗精神的歌颂与赞美。《雪》写于1925年1月,那时候整个中华大地处于不安的环境中,就在北伐革命的前夜,国民党和共产党达成协议,建立了统一战线,革命形式出现了可喜的局面。在北洋军阀的统治下,在北平生活的鲁迅当时依然处于水深火热之中,反动势力极其嚣张,斗争颇为激烈。这篇散文诗采用了对比、象征的修辞手法,这些手法的运用使“雪”这一意象在特定的历史背景下有了它的深层内涵。 “Snow” is one of the famous essays in Lu Xun’s prose poetry, selected from the poem “Wild Grass”, is a lyrical works. As a lyrical work, it has its unique side. In the lyrical works, the author’s lyricism always contains the reaction to the reality. The author’s special feeling in “Snow” is to express the author’s own point of view by focusing on the snow in Shuofang and the snow in Jiangnan. Lu Xun’s description of the differences between snow in the south and the snow in the north concealed the emotion of his ideal and longing for the beautiful things symbolized by the snow in the south and the lonely revolt symbolized by the snow in the north Praise and praise. “Snow” was written in January 1925, when the entire Chinese territory was in a precarious environment. On the eve of the Northern Expedition, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party reached an agreement and a united front was established, and the revolutionary form showed a gratifying situation. Under the rule of the Beiyang warlords, Lu Xun living in Peiping was still in dire straits and the reactionary forces were extremely arrogant and the fight was fierce. This essay poem adopts the contrastive and symbolic rhetorical devices. The use of these techniques makes the image of “Snow ” have its deep connotation in the specific historical background.
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摘 要:《诗经》的写作年代可以从西周初年到春秋中期,这一时期是礼教制度从松到紧的转变时期,《诗经》中写作年代较早的婚恋诗作风较为大胆地,由此推出这一段时期礼教松弛,原始婚俗的影响较大,对妇女的压迫,尤其对弃妇的态度社会是比较宽容的,妇女再嫁是常态,但到了春秋中期,礼教对社会的影响越来越深,婚恋越来越受束缚。弃妇的生存环境也更加严苛。但值得注意的是,《诗经》中弃妇诗的作者对弃妇的态度是同情的,这侧面