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从1949年6月11日“江安”轮装载700余旅客顺利驶达上海,成为新中国第一艘由汉口开往上海的汉申客班船,到2001年10月10日汉申客班船全部正式退出客运市场;从长江干线港口1988年完成客运量3410万人次,创下长江客运历史辉煌,到2004年陡降40.4倍至86万人次;从一票难求的繁荣,到门可罗雀的萧条,长江客运经历了从兴旺到衰退的使命。一部长江客运的兴衰历史,几多精彩,几多无奈;几多故事,几多回忆。它见证了时代的变化,折射了社会的进步。 From June 11, 1949, “Jiang An” round of loading more than 700 passengers successfully sailed to Shanghai, becoming China’s first Hankou bound for Shanghai, Shanghai Shen passenger ship, to October 10, 2001, Han Shanghai Passenger ships all formally withdraw from the passenger transport market; from the trunk ports of the Yangtze River in 1988 to complete the passenger traffic of 34.1 million passengers, setting a historic glory of the Yangtze River passenger transport, plummeted 40.4 times in 2004 to 860000 passengers; from a hard to get prosperity, Depression, the Yangtze River passenger has undergone a mission from prosperity to recession. A rise and fall of the Yangtze River passenger history, how wonderful, how many helpless; how many stories, how many memories. It witnessed the changes of the times and reflected the progress of society.
第九届世界制药原料中国展(CPhI&ICSE China 2009)暨2009世界制药机械、包装改备与材料中国展(P-MEC China 2009)将于2009年6月23日至25日在上海新国际博览中心隆重揭幕。 T
问:我有一个亲戚上月在一私人诊所打吊针,因医生疏忽,叫病人家属换吊针,结果家属不知道须将新的吊针的空气挤压出来,导致亲戚死亡。亲戚买 Q: I had a relative who had a