
来源 :临床肺科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bilyy95
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我们在救治呼吸急危重病人过程中,采用经纤维支气管镜引导经鼻气管插管机械通气救治各种急慢性呼吸衰竭的病人,疗效满意,现将23例病人插管36例次报告如下。 1 临床资料 1.1 对象与方法 共23例病人,男20例,女3例,年龄为19—83岁,平均年龄为70.5±10.5岁。其基础病为肺心病急
The two kinds of cavities commolny used,the nose-coned and the bell-shaped cavities,are investigated for the RF cavity optimum design of the SSRF(Shanghai Synch
A compact ΔE-E telescope,used to complete the isotope identification for lighter projectile-like fragments in intermediate energy heavy ion collisions.is devel
Uniformly 15N-labelled ryegrass was used to investigate NH4^+-production,microbial transformation and humification of organic N in two types of red soils by inc
<正> 张敦熔主任是我国当代著名的结核病专家,被誉为结核病名医。1956年毕业于沈阳中国医科大学医疗系,从事结核病临床与防治工作42年,临床经验丰富,学术造诣很深。对肺结核
It is propsed that the linearity criterion and order criterion via frequency spectrum features without any limitation of the model&#39;s phase can be used in re
The fitted equations to describe the retentions of α radiator 235U and β^147Pm as well as γ^134Cs were obtained respectvely.The half life component of 235U i