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一、糖尿病患者的高血压1.为何高血压会成为问题 ?①糖尿病患者并发高血压的病例较多 ,尤以并发肾脏病患者更明显 ;②高血压是促进肾病进展与视网膜病变的恶化因子 ;③确切的降压治疗是推迟肾病发展的最有效疗法 ;④高血压是糖尿病大血管病变的危险与促进因子 ,血压控制后可减 First, hypertension in diabetic patients 1. Why is hypertension a problem? ① There are more cases of diabetes complicated by hypertension, especially in patients with concurrent renal disease; ② Hypertension is a factor that promotes the progression of nephropathy and retinopathy; ③ the exact antihypertensive treatment is the most effective therapy to delay the development of renal disease; ④ hypertension is a risk factor for diabetes and macrovascular disease, blood pressure control can be reduced
新动力总成经济性提升新凯越更换了动力系统,新的1.5L D-VVT发动机取代了之前的1.6L发动机,第二代6速手自一体变速器也让老款上那台彻底退休。1.5L D-VVT发动机的账面数据并
黄体囊肿(corpus luteum cyst)是好发于年轻妇女常见的妇科良性肿瘤,可引起卵巢蒂扭转、破裂、出血等并发症导致卵巢功能丧失。新生儿病例极为罕见。现将徐州市儿童医院收治
笔者于2001年、2002年治疗2例20多年前患甲状腺功能亢进(以下简称甲亢),治愈20多年后,转为甲状腺功能减退症,现分析报告如下。 1 病例资料例一,女性,53岁,中学教师,乏力,嗜
Objectives. - To compare the pre- existing risk profiles for breast or endometrial cancer of menopaused women receiving tibolone or another hormone replacement
Objective: To establish the nature and extent of difficulties in parenting and child development in families with twins conceived by assisted reproduction. Desi
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We performed a prospective study to detect the cell cycle changes in luteinized granulosa cells in patients undergoing controlled ovarian stimulation with GnRH