标本兼治 狠抓落实 进一步推进反腐倡廉工作

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今年加强党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争的工作任务是繁重而又艰巨的。为了完成好中纪委3次全会确定的今年的各项任务:第一,要深入开展“讲学习、讲政治、讲正气”的党性党风教育。要按照中央统一部署,在各级领导干部,重点在县处级以上党政领导干部中,以整风的精神开展“... This year’s task of strengthening the work of building a clean government and fighting corruption is heavy and arduous. In order to complete the tasks set for this year by the 3 nd Plenary Session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, we should first of all carry out the education on the party spirit and culture of the party nature characterized by “stressing on learning, stressing on politics, and upholding integrity.” In accordance with the unified plan of the Central Government, leading cadres at all levels should focus on rectifying the spirit among the party and government leading cadres above the county level and "...
水稻类病变突变体(Rice lesion mimic mutant)是指一类在没有明显病原物侵染、逆境或机械损伤的情况下,就能在叶片上自发形成类似病原物侵害的坏死病斑的水稻突变体。水稻类病