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背景:补气通络方有补气行血、通络散结、生肌长肉、活血通络之功效,可促进损伤局部血液循环,改善神经营养,从而促进周围神经轴突再生,促进神经传导功能恢复。目的:观察不同制剂的补气通络方中药对周围神经损伤后神经功能恢复的作用,并与维生素B1,B6的效果进行比较。设计:随机对照动物实验。单位:广州中医药大学第一附院骨科。材料:取封闭清洁级Wistar大鼠48只,统一在右坐骨神经造模后,随机分成4组(n=12),补气通络胶囊组,补气通络注射液组,维生素组,空白组。方法:所有大鼠行右坐骨神经横形切断后即刻原位吻合术造模,制成周围神经损伤模型。术后第3天起给药,1次/d:①补气通络胶囊组大鼠灌胃补气通络胶囊中的药末(含黄芪、人参(新开河参)、当归、川芎、丹参等中药,用生理盐水稀释),给药量生药0.9g/(kg·d)。②补气通络注射液组大鼠腹腔注射补气通络注射液0.9g/(kg·d)。③维生素组大鼠灌胃含维生素B1和维生素B61.5g/L混悬液15mg/(kg·d)。④空白组大鼠生理盐水0.01mL/g灌胃。主要观察指标:给药后4,8,12周每组随机抽取4只,记录双侧神经传导速度,并以同一大鼠的受伤侧神经传导速度除以正常侧神经传导速度值作为神经传导速度恢复率。结果:48只全部进入结果分析。①在各时间点补气通络方两个治疗组的神经传导速度均显著快于维生素组和空白组(P<0.05,0.01),维生素组神经传导速度较空白组快(P<0.05)。②在各时间点补气通络方两个治疗组的神经传导速度恢复率均显著高于维生素组和空白组(P<0.05,0.01),维生素组高于空白组(P<0.05)。结论:胶囊和针剂的补气通络方中药对周围神经损伤后神经功能恢复均促进作用,效果优于维生素B1和B6。 BACKGROUND: Buqi Tongluo Fang has the effects of supplementing Qixing blood, meridonizing and dissolving knots, stimulating meat and longevity, and promoting blood circulation and meridians, which can promote local blood circulation and improve neurotrophy, thereby promoting peripheral axon regeneration and promoting nerve function. The conduction function is restored. OBJECTIVE: To observe the effects of different preparations of Buqi Tongluo recipe on nerve function recovery after peripheral nerve injury, and to compare the effects of vitamin B1 and B6. Design: Randomized controlled animal experiments. Unit: Orthopaedics Department, First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. MATERIALS: Forty-eight closed clean grade Wistar rats were randomly divided into four groups (n=12) after the right sciatic nerve model was established. Buqi Tongluo capsule group, Buqi Tongluo injection group, vitamin group, blank group . METHODS: All rats were modeled by in situ anastomosis immediately after transverse transection of the right sciatic nerve. After the third day after the operation, once/d:1 Buqi Tongluo capsule group rats were given Qiwei Tongluo capsules with powdered herbs (including Huangqi, ginseng (Newly-established ginseng), Chinese angelica, Chuanxiong, Salvia miltiorrhiza and other traditional Chinese medicines were diluted with physiological saline and administered 0.9g/(kg·d) crude drug. 2 Buqi Tongluo injection group rats were intraperitoneally injected with Qiqi Tongluo injection 0.9g/(kg·d). 3 Vitamin group rats were intragastrically administered with vitamin B1 and vitamin B6 1.5g/L suspension 15mg/(kg·d). 4 blank group rats normal saline 0.01mL/g gavage. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Four rats were randomly selected from each group at 4, 8, and 12 weeks after administration. Bilateral nerve conduction velocity was recorded. The nerve conduction velocity of injured side of the same rat was divided by normal nerve conduction velocity as nerve conduction velocity. Recovery rate. Results: 48 all entered the result analysis. 1 At each time point, the nerve conduction velocity in the two treatment groups of Buqi Tongluo group was significantly faster than those in the vitamin group and blank group (P<0.05, 0.01), and the nerve conduction velocity in the vitamin group was faster than that in the blank group (P<0.05). 2 At each time point, the recovery rate of nerve conduction velocity in the two treatment groups of Buqi Tongluo group was significantly higher than that of vitamin group and blank group (P<0.05, 0.01), and that of vitamin group was higher than that of blank group (P<0.05). Conclusion: The Qiqi Tongluo decoction of capsule and injection can promote the recovery of nerve function after peripheral nerve injury. The effect is better than vitamin B1 and B6.
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“声情”是汉语诗学的基本范畴 ,从基本的方法论来看 ,与“声情”相关的诗学理论 ,总体上突出了诗歌声韵形式研究的人文性。具体地说 ,其“三维”法突出了多维度性 ,“体用”
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最近 ,大连理工大学博士后导师陈守煜教授完成的新著作《复杂水资源系统优化模糊识别理论与应用》 ,2 0 0 2年由吉林大学出版社出版发行 .陈教授在该著作中以新的视觉 ,多方