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1938年下半年,日本侵略者的矛头已经指向琼崖。9月24日,日本侵略军的飞机轰炸海口、府城。9月30日,日军军舰窜犯榆林港,形势非常吃紧。1938年10月22日,琼崖国共两党终于通过谈判达成协议。在中国共产党领导的抗日救亡运动的推动下,琼崖国民党当局出于种种考虑,接受了琼崖特委提出的在红军改编等重大问题上独立自主的原则;冯白驹在谈判中也在坚持独立自主原则的大前提下作了一些让步。琼崖国共双方谈判达成协议后,特委和冯白驹便积极着手做好红军游击队改编的准备工作。按协议规定冯白驹将红军游击队按一个大队300多人枪的建制,编成三个中队和一个特务小队,称琼崖抗日独立队。红军集中改编的地点和改编成琼崖独立队后的驻地,选择在琼山县云龙墟。1938年12月5日,琼崖红军游击队改编暨抗日誓师大会在云龙举行。上万名群众和各界爱国人士纷纷携带慰劳品、锦旗,敲锣打鼓前来祝贺。慰劳品堆积如山;写着“杭日先锋”、“人民救星”等字样的锦旗彩匾挂满会场周围;炮竹齐鸣,锣鼓喧天,口号声、欢呼 In the second half of 1938, the Japanese aggressors’ spear had already pointed to Qiong Ya. On September 24, Japanese aggressor planes bombed Haikou and Fucheng. September 30, the Japanese warships invaded Yulin Port, the situation is very tight. On October 22, 1938, the two parties in Qiongjiao finally reached an agreement through negotiation. Driven by the anti-Japanese national salvation movement under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, for various considerations, the Kuomintang Kuomintang authorities accepted the principle of independence and autonomy promised by the Qiongyasu Commission on major issues such as the reorganization of the Red Army. Feng Baiju also adhered to the principle of independence during the negotiations Under the premise made some concessions. After the two sides of Qiongliao and Kuomintang negotiated and reached an agreement, the special commission and Feng Baiju started actively preparing for the adaptation of the Red Army guerrillas. According to the agreement, Feng Baiju organized the Red Army guerrillas into a group of more than 300 guns and organized them into three squadrons and a spy squad, saying Qiongya Anti-Japanese Independence Team. The Red Army focused on the adaptation of the site and adapted into Qiongya independent team resident, choose in Qiongshan County Yunlong Market. December 5, 1938, Qiongya Red Army guerrillas and anti-Japanese swearshirt assembly held in Yunlong. Tens of thousands of people and patriotic people from all walks of life have brought gifts, pennants and drums to congratulate each other. The pledges of labor are piled up; the banner of the pennants containing the words “Hang-day Pioneer”, “People’s Rescue Star”, etc. are hung around the venue; the guns and bamboos, the gongs and drums, the slogans and the cheers
享有“海上钢钉”美誉的角屿岛曾是一片经炮火翻犁过的焦土。一个偶然的机会,我踏上了这片魂牵梦萦四十载的神圣土地。 Enjoy the “maritime nails ” reputation of the
文言文阅读(一)  晏子治东阿三年,景公招而数之曰:“吾以子为可,而使子治东阿,今子治而乱。子退而自察也,寡人将加大诛(责备、谴责)于子。”晏子对曰:“臣请改道易行而治东阿。三年不治,臣请死之。”景公许之。于是明年上计(年终考核地方官的治绩)。景公迎而贺之日:“甚善矣,子之治东阿也!”晏子对曰:“前臣之治东阿也,属①托不行,货赂不至;陂②池之鱼,以利贫民。当此之时,民无饥者,而君反以罪臣。今臣之治
A number of years ago (1983- 1987), I had the opportunity to play the character of Ronald McDonald for the McDonald’s Corporation.One of our standard events wa