
来源 :星星(上旬刊) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Moon_____light
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置身高楼林立的现代建筑群中,站在穿梭交织的立交桥下,现代生活摇滚般的喧嚣让我们振聋发聩。快餐文化,消费主义制造的浮华,各种亚文化群体标新立异的生存方式,流行于这个时代的各个角落时,精神的空乏导致人性的扭曲,灵魂的空虚。在表面繁荣的城市里,孤独、迷惘、怀乡以及憧憬纠结为现代人百转的愁肠。《越过城市的沧桑》这卷诗里,我们看到了诗人在现代 Set in the modern buildings lined with tall buildings, standing under the shuttle over the intersection, the rocking of modern life let us enlightening the hustle and bustle. Fast food culture, the vanity created by consumerism, and the unconventional ways of subsistence of various sub-cultural groups prevailed in every corner of this era. The lack of energy led to the distortion of human nature and the emptiness of the soul. In the prosperous city, loneliness, confusion, nostalgia and longing for the tangle of modern people turn sadness. In the poem, “Across the City,” we see poets in the modern age
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由国家发改委、财政部、科技部、工业部、国家能源局5部门联合出台的《关于促进储能技术与产业发展的指导意见》日前正式发布。计划在未来1 0年内分两个阶段推进储能产业发展
同期展会:第八届广东现代农业博览会2017.11.16-18广州·中国进出口商品交易会展馆B区12.1馆China Import and Export Fair Pazhou Complex(Area B)主办单位广东省农业机械学