丹心铸典范 习仲勋同志榆林统战纪事

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抗日战争和解放战争时期,习仲勋同志在榆林长期战斗、工作。他坚决贯彻执行党的统一战线方针政策,围绕大局,维护团结,为陕甘宁边区的政权建设、经济建设、文化教育建设,作出了杰出的贡献,为解放大西北,解放全中国建立了不朽功勋。他受到了党中央和毛泽东的高度赞扬,堪称我党统战工作的典范。积极贯彻“三三制”原则1940年3月,中共中央发出《抗日根据地的政权问题》的指示,明确提出“三三制”原则。1942年5月1日,中共陕甘宁边区中央局颁布的《陕甘宁边区施政纲领》(即五一施政纲领),把“三三制”原则的施政纲领形式确定下来。这个纲领的发布,标志着“三三 During the War of Resistance Against Japan and the War of Liberation, Comrade Xi Zhongxun long fought and worked in Yulin. He resolutely implemented the guidelines and policies of the United Front of the Communist Party of the CPC, made overall contributions to safeguarding the overall situation and safeguarding unity, and made outstanding contributions to the building of political power, economic construction and cultural and educational education in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region and established an immortal state for the liberation of the Greater Northwest China and the liberation of all China Merit. He was highly praised by the CPC Central Committee and Mao Zedong, calling for an example of the party’s united front work. Actively Implementing the Principle of ”Three, Three and Three Systems“ In March 1940, the CPC Central Committee issued the ”Political Issue in the Anti-Japanese Base Area“ and explicitly proposed the principle of ”three-three system.“ On May 1, 1942, the ”Outline of the Governing Program in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region“ (the May 1 Policy Plan) promulgated by the Central Bureau of the Shaan-Ngau Ninh Binh District of the CPC determined the form of an administrative program for the ”three-three system“ principle. The release of this program marked ”Three Three."
很少有人知道,徐悲鸿这样的大师也曾因为知识产权打过一场官司,而且这场官司让他哑巴吃黄连,不仅败诉了,还差点被混淆是非。   抗战前,徐悲鸿任中央大学艺术系主任。当时他的作品已盛名远播、价格不菲。不过徐悲鸿为人淡泊名利,一般不轻易卖画,结果徐悲鸿画作的价格节节攀升,于是引得一些不法之徒动了心思。其时,南京道署街一裱画店里挂出不少署名“悲鸿”的“奔马”“八骏图”及水墨花鸟画,吸引了不少收藏爱好者前往
多元磷石膏为氮、磷高效复合肥生产中的副产品,主要成份为CaO30—31.5%、SO_40—43%、P_2O_41.0一1.8%、MgO0.1—1.2%、SiO_21.1—3.2%、Fe_2O_30.1—0.4%、ZnO 微量,可直接
Mr.Tang Zhongchao,born in 1933 in Hunan province,is a senior engineer with a professor title and is a recipient of special state allowance.Prior to his retireme