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研究了正在勘查的佩琴加复向斜矿区范围内,含矿与无矿的分异辉长橄榄岩剖面中指示元素含量及其乘法指数值的分布特点;明确了在具工业铜-镍硫化物矿床的基性超基性岩分异杂岩体剖面中存在着多元素的原生晕。矿体原生晕具较高的强度和特殊的组构特征,无论是矿床原生晕的带,还是分异杂岩体本身的原生晕带,都明显地与众不同,它们远远地超出杂岩体范围而沿着隆起向上进入到围岩中;而不具备铜-镍硫化物工业矿床的基性超基性岩分异杂岩体,相应地不存在矿床的多元素晕,只有镍、铬和钴在杂岩体内部形成“岩石异常”,实际上它们没有超出橄榄岩体的范围。根据这些差异,得出了一个基本结论:根据这些矿床之原生晕区分基性超基性岩分异杂岩体是否具有铜-镍硫化物工业矿床的远景是完全可能的。此外,要获得具铜-镍硫化物工业矿床的基性超基性岩隐伏分异杂岩体的地球化学普查标志看来也是可能的。 The distribution of indicated elements and their multiplication exponents in the different gabbro-peridotite sections of ore-bearing and non-ore-bearing areas within the range of the Peqinjia synclinate ore area under exploration are investigated. It is clear that in industrial copper- The primary ultrabasic rocks in the mineral deposits have multi-element primary halo in their profile. The high strength and special structural features of the primary halo of the orebody, both the primary halo of the deposit and the primary halo of the separate complex, are distinctly different from each other and they far exceed the complex Body range and uplifted along the uplift into the surrounding rock; rather than the basic ultrabasic rocks of the Cu-Ni sulfide industrial deposits, there is no multi-element halo of the deposit, only nickel, chromium And cobalt form “rock anomalies” within the complex, in fact they do not exceed the range of peridotite. Based on these differences, a basic conclusion is drawn: based on the primary halo of these deposits it is entirely possible to distinguish whether a basic ultramafic rock heterogeneous complex has a prospect of a copper-nickel sulphide industrial deposit. In addition, it seems likely that geochemical census marks will have to be obtained to obtain the underlying ultramafic rocks of the Cu-Ni sulfide industrial deposits.
健康人外周血淋巴细胞在羧甲基茯苓多糖与PHA等的刺激诱导下共同培养7d后可获高效价粒-巨噬细胞集落刺激因子。该制剂经特殊处理后可达到临床药用标准。 Healthy human peri
会计与产权之间有着紧密的联系。会计准则国际趋同的最终目的是在世界范围内界定产权和保护产权;趋同有利于降低交易费用,提高经济效率;会计准则国际趋同应坚持适度原则。 The
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[本刊讯]全国林业计划财务工作会议于2007年2月6日-7日在北京召开,会议的主要议题是贯彻落实全国林业厅局长会议确定的各项目标任务,部署2007年林业计划财务工作。 [Our New