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NBA是个竞技场,不但球员要在比赛场上一争高下,教练要在场边斗智斗勇,其实还有一个人要在场外拼眼光和智慧。尽管NBA球队的管理者头顶着类似“执行总裁”、“球队事务副总裁”或者“首席执行官”的头街,但他们通俗的称谓就是“总经理”。联盟中各队的总经理性格千差万别,也造就了球队之间不同的建队走向。总经理似乎总是躲在幕后,当球队成功时人们都将目光投向了球星和教练,很少有人注意到是总经理将他们这些人捏合到一起。每年,球队的总经理都要和主教练一样,为球队的人员调整焦头烂额。可是他们的付出却未必都有回报,通过精打细算所组成的阵容,或许因为伤病的突然袭击,或许因为球员的发挥失常,总之不知为何就是打不出应有的水准。这时压力就会从四百八方涌来,媒体、球迷和老板的责难会让他们寝食难安,那些平时在球队里掌握着生杀大权的总经理就会在一夜间成为联盟里最倒霉的人。每个赛晕结束后,针对那些表现优异的球员,NBA联盟都会评选出大量奖项。而为了表彰这些球队幕后的操盘手——总经理,联盟从1972-73赛季开始评选最佳行政管理奖,得奖者多是因为在这个赛季做出了重要决策,导致球队在战绩上有了明显的提高。而且这个奖项还有一个显著的特点就是:它是由各支球队的总经理投票选出,换句话说,也就是你这一年的工作得到了同行的认可。没有人可以在每一次选秀或是每一次交易中都获得成功,即使是这些获得过最佳行政管理奖的人也不例外。当然,关于那些得奖者,更多的是成功的事例,而这些相信你已经有所耳闻,但或许你并不了解他们曾经或是之后的失败,通过这些近几年最佳行政管理者的败笔,你也会了解到球队总经理的工作是多么的艰辛。 NBA is an arena, not only the players compete in the competition arena, the coach should be on the sidelines wits, in fact, there is still a person to be the spotlight and wisdom. Although NBA team managers head the headlines like “CEO,” “Team Vice President,” or “CEO,” their popular name is “General Manager.” The general manager of the various teams in the league vary in character, but also created a different team to build the team toward. It seems that the general manager is always hiding behind the scenes. When the team succeeds, people are turning their attention to the stars and coaches. Few people noticed that the general manager is trying to get these people together. Each year, the team’s general manager, like the head coach, adjusts to the brunt of the team’s staff. However, they do not necessarily have to pay the return of the team through careful planning, perhaps because of the sudden attack of the injury, perhaps because of the players play disorders, in short, I do not know why I can not beat the standards. At this time the pressure will come from all directions, the media, fans and the boss’s censure will make them sleepless nights, those who usually have the life and death in the team general manager of life and death will become the league’s most overnight Unlucky people. After each game, for the outstanding performance of those players, the NBA alliance will be selected a large number of awards. In recognition of the team behind the team trader - general manager, the league since the 1972-73 season, the selection of best administrative awards, winners mostly because of this season made an important decision, resulting in the team record Significantly improved. And this award is also a notable feature: it is voted by the general manager of each team vote, in other words, that is, your work has been peer recognition. No one can be successful in every draft or every transaction, even those who have won Best Administrative Awards. Of course, those winners are more of a success story, and those believe you’ve heard about it, but maybe you do not understand their past or future failures to pass these best executives in recent years Failures, you will also understand how hard team general manager’s job.
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