
来源 :医学动物防制 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuyikun2
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采用等比例分层整群随机抽样法,于1989年对河北省中小学生肠道寄生虫感染与分布,抽样调查31个县115个村13926人,总受检率95.72%,总感染率53.21%。检出肠道寄生虫20种,其中单一虫种感染率39.95%,2—5种感染率(%)分别为11.92、1.13、0.19和0.02。主要虫种及感染率(%)是:蛔虫39.85,鞭虫0.88,钩虫0.27,蛲虫27.48,溶组织内阿米巴1.13,贾第虫2.34,人酵母菌1.00。对主要虫种的分布做了描述,并对本省中小学生肠道寄生虫感染的防治工作提出建议。本次全省范围的抽样调查在国内尚属首次。 Using proportional stratified cluster random sampling method, primary and secondary school students in Hebei Province in 1989, intestinal parasites infection and distribution of sample survey 31 villages in 115 villages 13926, the total acceptance rate of 95.72%, the total infection rate of 53.21% . Twenty species of intestinal parasites were detected. The infection rate of single species was 39.95%, and the infection rates (%) of 2-5 were 11.92,1.13,0.19 and 0.02, respectively. The main species and infection rate (%) were: roundworm 39.85, whipworm 0.88, hookworm 0.27, pinworm 27.48, Entamoeba histolytica 1.13, Giardia 2.34, human yeast 1.00. Described the distribution of the major species of insects, and prevention and treatment of intestinal parasitic infections in primary and secondary schools in our province. The province-wide sample survey is the first in China.