认真推行药品集中招标采购 遏制医药购销中的不正之风

来源 :中国卫生经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a62058803
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1999年以来,我市卫生系统按照国务院反腐纠风工作部署,结合我市医疗卫生单位的实际,认真开展了以推行药品集中招标采购制度为核心内容的纠正医药购销中不正之风工作。经过1年多的探索和实践,初步摸索和建立了一套切实可行的运行机制和管理制度,取得了较好的效果。目前,全市15所县级以上综合医院全部实行了药品集中招标采购制度,共招投标138次,涉及品种961个,金额达5116.91万元。与招标前相比,招标药品采购价格平均下降10.92%,零售价格平均下降13.65%,累计向群众让利678.19万元。通过实行这一制度,进一步强 Since 1999, our city’s health system has conscientiously implemented the centralized drug bidding and purchasing system as the core content to correct the unhealthy tendencies in the purchase and sale of pharmaceuticals in accordance with the deployment of anti-corruption and rectification work by the State Council and the actual situation of our city’s medical and health units. After more than one year of exploration and practice, we have initially explored and established a set of practical operational mechanism and management system and achieved good results. At present, all the 15 county-level general hospitals in the city have all implemented centralized bidding and purchasing system for medicines. There were 138 bidding invitations and 961 varieties involved, amounting to 51.1691 million yuan. Compared with the pre-bidding, the average purchase price of bidding medicines dropped by 10.92%, the average retail price dropped by 13.65%, and the total benefit to the public was 6,781,900 yuan. Through the implementation of this system, further strengthened
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