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14世纪初期,佛罗伦萨毛纺织工业发展迅速。但由于佛罗伦萨所在的托斯卡纳地区羊毛产量少、质量差,无法满足本国毛纺织工业发展的需要,因而佛罗伦萨逐渐确立从外地、特别是英国进口羊毛来生产高档呢绒的生产模式。佛罗伦萨商人前往英国购买羊毛,意味着他们需要把现金从佛罗伦萨转运到英国,这自然为银行家在英国开展汇票等银行业务提供众多商机。银行家甚至直接投资羊毛贸易以牟利。与此同时,他们在英国的经营活动也遇到许多挑战,如英国国王对羊毛贸易的集中管控,英国商人对外商的敌视与竞争等。为应对这些挑战,佛罗伦萨银行家逐渐发展出一套以贷款换特权的贸易模式。他们向经济拮据的英国国王提供大量借款,以此来换取英国国王的特许状,授权他们在英国从事羊毛贸易。贷款方能确保特权,同时,佛罗伦萨毛纺织业又严重依赖英国羊毛来维持生产的顺利进行,因而佛罗伦萨银行家虽然深知借款给英国国王存在很大风险,但也不得不持续对英借款。 In the early 14th century, the wool textile industry in Florence was developing rapidly. However, due to the small quantity and poor quality of wool in the Tuscany region where Florence is located, it can not meet the needs of its domestic wool textile industry. Therefore, Florence gradually establishes the mode of production of high-grade wool fabric imported from other places, especially the United Kingdom. The fact that Florentine traders went to the United Kingdom to buy wool meant they needed to transfer cash from Florence to the United Kingdom, which naturally provided many business opportunities for bankers to do business in the UK, such as bills of exchange. Bankers even directly invest in the wool trade for profit. At the same time, their business activities in the United Kingdom also encountered many challenges, such as the king’s centralized control of the wool trade and the hostility and competition of British businessmen to foreign businessmen. In response to these challenges, the Florentine bankers gradually developed a trade model in which loans are traded for privileges. They borrowed heavily from the economically demanding king of England in exchange for charterers from the king of England, authorizing them to trade wool in the United Kingdom. At the same time, the Florentine wool textile industry relied heavily on British fleece to keep its production running smoothly. As a result, the Florentine bankers, although well aware of the risks of borrowing money to the King of England, had to continue lending to the United Kingdom.
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<正> 当前,科技转化为生产力面临的主要问题是: 1.企业缺乏依靠技术进步的压力。企业实行承包责任制以后,考核指标缺乏技术进步的内容,这种考核体系,自然形成了生产是硬指标
<正> 一、目前储备资金管理存在的弊端目前统配煤炭企业一般用水平法核定储备资金定额,管理的中心内容是把核定的最高资金定额层层分解包干使用,实行节奖超罚。规定了资金最
【正】 鲁迅研究嵇康断断续续长达十八年,这一问题值得玩索。 校勘《嵇康集》,鲁迅是在民国二年寓居京师绍兴会馆藤花馆时开始的。据日记载,是年(1913年)十月十五日“夜以丛
【正】 在中国现代文学史上,徐志摩是一位有较大影响的诗人。他喜好一位朋友对他的评语:“感情之浮”、“思想之杂”。(见陈从周编《徐志摩年谱》)他自己也说:“我的思想——