多彩课堂 缔造希望——谈我在课改中的一点认识

来源 :语数外学习(高中版中旬) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:burningDNA
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课堂不仅是教师传授知识的主战场,也是学生高效接受新知识的地方。“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。”教师要把握课堂教学,让学生由被动接受知识转换成主动积极地吸收知识,成为“乐之者”。课程改革实质是在新的教育理念下实现教育人本化的回归,其核心是促进每个学生的全面发展。这就要求从传统的学科本位、知识本位向关注每一个学生的发展转变;从单纯注重知识的传授转变为注重“知识与技能”、“过程与方法”、“情感态度与价值观”的培养;引导学生 Classroom is not only the main battlefield where teachers impart knowledge, but also the place where students can receive new knowledge efficiently. “Teachers who know better than those who are good are not as good as musicians.” “Teachers should grasp class teaching so that students can passively accept the knowledge and transform themselves into actively and actively absorbing knowledge and becoming” musicians. “ The essence of curriculum reform is the return of people-oriented education under the new educational concept. The core of curriculum reform is to promote the all-round development of each student. This requires that from the traditional subject-based, knowledge-based to focus on the development of each student’s change; from a simple emphasis on knowledge transfer to focus on ”knowledge and skills “, ”process and method “, ” Values ​​ "training; guide students
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人是一把剑。  在煅成的那一刻,蕴藏着无尽生机,那时人是锐器。  但是,任你是市井玩物还是神兵利器,都免不了在生活的敲打中卷刃。失去了锋芒之后的钝器,却能更有力量,学会了收敛,更多了一份厚重。  成长之后,也许一个人看轻了世界,麻木了、失去了激情,但他也看懂了世界,淡然了、得到了智慧。  诚然,做一把有深度的钝器才最难。  青春年少的冒进,有多少真的领悟?或者在日后看来那样所谓的不羁与个性,实则是
摘 要:阅读理解作为考查学生直接运用英语能力的主要题型,在目前中考英语卷之中占有较大的比重。英语阅读是理解和吸收语言信息最重要的手段。因而英语阅读能力的培养与提高,对于学生的英语学习来讲尤为重要。既然阅读这么重要,如何培养同学们的英语阅读能力呢?   关键词:中学英语;阅读能力;方法与策略   中图分类号:G633.41 文献标识码: A
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