
来源 :厦门大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiangjin
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由硅材料电阻率的选择、结面积设计的不同,试制几种温敏二极管,在恒定电流下,测量室温至120℃温度范围内正向电压Vf与温度T的关系,测试结果表明,Vf-T特性曲线线性优良,在恒定电流为50μA下,灵敏度最高的可达2.70mV/℃.根据测试结果,对提高灵敏度等特性进行一些讨论. According to the choice of resistivity of silicon material and the design of junction area, several kinds of temperature-sensitive diodes are manufactured. Under constant current, the relationship between the forward voltage Vf and temperature T is measured. The test results show that Vf- The T characteristic curve has excellent linearity with a maximum sensitivity of 2.70mV / ° C at a constant current of 50μA. According to the test results, to improve the sensitivity and other characteristics of some discussion.
1.(炮)25 至此,黑方有两种应法,分述如下: (一) 1.……… (将)56 2.(炮)54 (士)45 3.(帅)61 (士)54 4.(帅)65 (红胜) 1. (Cannon) 25 At this point, Black has two corres
山海关杨(Populus delteides“Shan Haiguan”)全部采用7月份播种育苗,翌年春季移植,培育大苗的方法。但是,在春季选实生苗时,大多数选大苗,认为越大越好,而育苗单位,为了出
中炮七路马横车对屏风马1.(炮)25 (马)87 2.(马)23 (车)98 3.(兵)71 (卒)714.(马)87 (马)23 5.(车)11 (象)35 6.(车)14 (炮)82 平边炮亮车是近期比较流行的走法,除此尚有(士
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日本Hamamatsu光电子公司生产的S6204型光电二极管由于增益高、通带宽、噪声低,有可能被用来替代昂贵的光电倍增管。这种器件的特 The S6204 photodiode manufactured by H