Microstructure and AMR Properties of Permalloy Films Sputtered on (Ni_ (0.81)Fe_(0.19)_ (0.66)Cr_(

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dfsdasdas
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Ni 0.81Fe 0.19) 0.66Cr 0.34 has a high resistivity and a crystal structure close to that of Ni 0.81Fe 0.19.The electrical and X-ray diffraction measurements prove that a thin NiFeCr seed layer induces a well (111)-oriented Ni 0.81Fe 0.19 film.Post-annealing treatment improves the magnetic properties of (Ni 0.81Fe 0.19) 0.66Cr 0.34(45?)/Ni 0.81Fe 0.19(150?)/Ta(55?) thin film prepared under a deposition field,whereas the inter-diffusion of NiFe/Ta deteriorates the magnetoresistance properties of the film. Ni 0.81Fe 0.19) 0.66Cr 0.34 has a high resistivity and a crystal structure close to that of Ni 0.81Fe 0.19. The electrical and X-ray diffraction measurements prove that a thin NiFeCr seed layer induces a well (111) -oriented Ni 0.81 Fe 0.19 film.Post-annealing treatment improves the magnetic properties of (Ni 0.81Fe 0.19) 0.66Cr 0.34 (45?) / Ni 0.81Fe 0.19 (150?) / Ta the inter-diffusion of NiFe / Ta deteriorates the magnetoresistance properties of the film.
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目的:构建CXC趋化因子受体4(CXC chemokine receptor4,CXCR4)RNA干扰真核表达载体,研究其对人乳腺癌细胞MDA-MB-231增殖、黏附及迁移能力的抑制作用。方法:构建针对CXCR4的带