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<正> 副词only+动词不定式(infinitive),在现代英语中常可见到,如果留意的话,不难发现它在句中作状语,表示一种突然的、出乎意料的情况,或是与原打算相反的结果。下面略举数例。表示突然的,出乎意料的情况: Carter returned for the Mideast last week,only to find a new warraging on the domestic energy front。上周卡特从中东回来,发现国内能源战线上正在进行一场新的激烈战斗。 The ene
在小学中高年级的语文课堂上, 小组合作是一种必要的学习方式, 但是如何让学生从传统的被动接受转化为课堂的主动交流与碰撞, 这需要教师和学生们的双向配合, 本文就教师指导
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of Zn nutritional status on the content of pigments, nonstructural carbohydrates, foliage proteins and amino
A better understanding of nitrogen (N) diffusion and transformation in soils could reveal the capacity of the biological inorganic N and improve the efficiency
Four early lactating Holstein cows were used to study the effect of live yeast (LY, Actisaf&reg;CNCM I-4407, Lesaffre Feed Additives, Marcq en Baroeul, France)
<正> 不定冠词a往往用在单数名词前面,但它可否用在复数名词前面呢?据笔者观察,在下列四种情况下它可以用在复数名词前面。一、与有关形容词和数词连用,后面的复数名词往往指
The academic world is still uncertain about the classification of Taisui. It is debating whether Taisui is living or not, myxomycete complex or fungi. The passa
In Japan, common wheat is cultivated in upland fields converted from paddy fields, where poor drainage and high precipitation cause delay of sowing, lodging at