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利用地球空间探测双星计划探测一号卫星上的磁场波动分析仪的原始数据,分析了探测一号卫星在轨电磁辐射的特性.结果显示卫星的电磁辐射主要集中在30Hz以下.在30Hz以上,卫星的电磁辐射最多延伸到190Hz左右,而且强度明显减弱.在190Hz以下的卫星电磁辐射具有与卫星姿态相关的长周期变化.在190~830Hz的范围的电磁辐射有不明显的长周期变化特征.830~3990Hz范围的电磁辐射没有长周期变化特征.卫星电磁辐射的长周期变化是由卫星姿态变化造成的.卫星姿态变化引起卫星太阳方位角变化.卫星太阳方位角越大,卫星电磁辐射越大.卫星太阳方位角从90.6增加到93.6,低于10Hz以下的电磁辐射约增大为原来的9倍,10~190Hz范围的电磁辐射大约增加到原来的1.6倍.卫星在<10和10~190Hz范围内的电磁辐射强度与卫星太阳方位角的相关系数分别达到0.90和0.91.卫星在光照情况下的电磁辐射要比卫星在阴影情况下大.卫星太阳能帆板电流产生的电磁辐射是卫星电磁辐射主要来源,约占整个卫星电磁辐射的87%(低频段<150Hz)和94%(高频段>150Hz).这些中国首次对卫星电磁辐射的在轨探测结果对于我国未来相关科学和应用卫星的设计方案的优化具有重要的参考价值. The original data of the magnetic field fluctuation analyzer on the No. 1 satellite was probed with the binary space program of the geospatial exploration and the characteristics of the electromagnetic radiation on the orbit of the No. 1 satellite were analyzed.The results show that the electromagnetic radiation of the satellite mainly concentrates below 30Hz.At 30Hz and above, Of the electromagnetic radiation extends up to about 190Hz, and the intensity is significantly weakened below 190Hz satellite electromagnetic radiation has long-period changes associated with the attitude of the satellite in the range of 190 ~ 830Hz electromagnetic radiation has no obvious long-period variation characteristics .830 The electromagnetic radiation in the range of ~ 3990Hz has no long-period variation characteristics.The long-period change of satellite electromagnetic radiation is caused by the change of attitude of the satellite.The azimuth change of the satellite caused by the satellite attitude change.The larger the satellite azimuth, the larger the electromagnetic radiation of the satellite. The satellite azimuth increased from 90.6 to 93.6 and the electromagnetic radiation below 10 Hz increased approximately nine times and the electromagnetic radiation in the range of 10 to 190 Hz increased to approximately 1.6 times the original. The satellites ranged from <10 and 10-190 Hz The correlation coefficient between the electromagnetic radiation intensity and the azimuth of the satellite reached 0.90 and 0.91 respectively. Radiation is greater than the satellite in the shadow of the situation. Satellite solar panels generate electromagnetic radiation is the main source of satellite electromagnetic radiation, accounting for 87% of the satellite electromagnetic radiation (low frequency band <150Hz) and 94% (high frequency band> 150Hz) For the first time in China, the on - orbit detection results of satellite electromagnetic radiation have important reference value for the optimization of the design scheme of China 's future relevant science and applied satellites.
我国纺织服装专业市场领域的第一个行业标准——《纺织服装专业市场建设及管理技术规范》,于2009年7月1日起正式实施。2009年6月30日,施行《纺织服装专业市场建设及管理技术规范》新闻发布会在北京召开,这一行业标准的出台与实施,填补了国内纺织服装贸易领域的一项空白。  在6月30日的新闻发布会上,标准起草单位——中国纺织品商业协会会长李建华、常务副会长兼秘书长彭桂福、中国东方丝绸市场颜有明主任、中
满洲里市人武部组织干部职工和所属民兵预备役人员慷慨解囊、奉献爱心,连续4年累计捐献助学资金2.18万元。 Manzhouli Municipal People’s Armed Police Department cadres