Evaluation of standard liver volume formulae for Chinese adults

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caisilver
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AIM:To evaluate different standard liver volume (SLV) formula and verify the applicability of the formulae for Chinese adults.METHODS: Data from 70 cases of living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) performed at our transplantation centers between January 2008 and April 2009 were analyzed. SLV was estimated using our recently reported formula [the Chengdu formula: SLV (mL)=11.5×body weight (kg) + 334] and other reported formulae used for Chinese adults. Actual intraoperative liver volumes were obtained from a review of the patients’ medical records.RESULTS: The actual right liver volume was not significantly different from the estimated right liver volume determined by the Chengdu formula, but was significantly smaller than estimates using the Heinemann, Urata, Vauthey, and Lee formulae (P<0.01), and signif icantly larger than estimates using the Fan formula (P<0.05).CONCLUSION: The Chengdu formula was demonstrated to be reliable by its application in LDLT. AIM: To evaluate different standard liver volume (SLV) formula and verify the applicability of the formula for Chinese adults. METHODS: Data from 70 cases of living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) performed at our processing centers between January 2008 and April 2009 SLV was estimated using our recently reported formula [the Chengdu formula: SLV (mL) = 11.5 × body weight (kg) + 334] and other reported formulae used for Chinese adults. Actual intraoperative liver volume were obtained from a review of the patients ’medical records .RESULTS: The actual right liver volume was not significantly different from the estimated right liver volume determined by the Chengdu formula, but was significantly smaller than estimates using the Heinemann, Urata, Vauthey, and Lee formulae (P <0.01) and signif icantly larger than estimates using the Fan formula (P <0.05) .CONCLUSION: The Chengdu formula was demonstrated to be reliable by its application in LDLT.
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