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靠山镇新湖村,原来有个土地庙,多年前,被一场大水冲得片瓦无存。村中有个八十高龄的张大爷,他半尺银须飘逸,给人一种仙风道骨的感觉。去年春天,他说这几年村里的收成不好,不是旱就是涝,是没有土地爷保佑的原因。张大爷是个老迷信,他不顾村委会的反对,自掏腰包又建起来一座新的土地庙。庙建成后,他说在百天之内,如果村中有60岁以上的男性村民病故,他就会被城隍 New Town Village rely on the town, there was a land temple, years ago, was a flood washed pieces of tile without deposit. The village has a 80-year-old Zhang uncle, his half-foot silver to be elegant, giving the feeling of a sage. Last spring, he said that in the past few years the harvest in the village was not good. It was neither drought nor waterlogging that led to the fact that there was no land to be blessed. Uncle Zhang is an old superstition, he ignored the opposition of the village committee, built a new land temple from his own pocket. After the completion of the temple, he said that within a hundred days, if a male villager over the age of 60 died in the village,
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1  初冬。中午。  顶着蓝旺旺白亮亮的天穹,迎着温烈刺润的风尘,沿着唐蕃古道,思谋着一路访古寻今、探幽索隐而来。  站在枯荒芜旷的洮州大地上,抚摸洮州卫城的石条门砖,体验历史风烟的悲壮,走进洮州的江淮人家,目睹绝版的江淮遗风,倾听江淮人家的故事,品读江淮吴语的韵味,遐思秦淮歌声的清悠,心跳江淮后裔女人的风韵,探究接续记忆的渊源……  在红桦山拐弯处,带着灵魂深处的江淮乡愁远眺山脚下的边塞古城——
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“大家好!我是你们人类的生存之母——地球……”我正在舞台上自述,可才讲到一半,我就晕了过去。这时,太阳医生忙叫星星护士把我送上救护车, “Hello, everyone! I am the m
今天人们所使用的望远镜,显微镜,都是启发于荷兰几个孩子的游戏,他们在眼镜店前用老花镜游戏,就这么简单,便打开了两个科学世界的大门。 The telescopes and microscopes th
不是所有的丑小鸭都能变成白天鹅不是所有的花朵谢了都能带来收获一我有一点点丑,这我知道:单看五官并无毛病, Not all ugly ducklings can turn into white swan. Not all
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