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纵观中国教育史,不难发现,成功的教育教学改革能够推动社会经济的全面协调发展,能够促进人与社会的和谐发展,对上层建筑的健全和完善起到促进作用。从春秋战国时期的孔子到现时期的新教改推行,可以说教育教学改革走过了风风雨雨。孔子提倡私学,打破了学在官府的垄断局面。隋唐时期完善科举制,推动了隋唐教育文化事业发展,培养了大量有用人才。近代史上洋务派为了挽救垂死的晚清政府,在教育方面也进行了大胆的改革和创新,开启了中国教 Looking at the history of Chinese education, it is not difficult to find that successful education and teaching reforms can promote the overall coordinated development of the social economy, can promote the harmonious development of people and society, and play a role in promoting the soundness and perfection of superstructure. From Confucius during the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States period to the implementation of the New Education Reform in the present period, it can be said that the reform of education and teaching has gone through ups and downs. Confucius advocated private school and broke the monopoly of learning in the government. During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the improvement of the imperial examination system promoted the development of education and culture in the Sui and Tang dynasties and trained a large number of useful talents. In the modern history, in order to rescue the dying late Qing government, the Westernization Politics also carried out bold reforms and innovations in education and opened up Chinese teaching.
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高考历史科的选择题是涉及知识最广和考查能力较全的题型,也是占分最多、区分度最大、考生得失分最为明显的题型,因此备受人们的关注。 拓展选择题的功能,加大这一题型能力
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比较青霉胺及锌剂治疗肝豆状核变性(HLD)的疗效及对尿铜排泄的作用。用阳极溶出伏安法(ASV法)测定患者的 24 h尿铜排泄量,资料分析采用 X2检验及 t检验。结果: 69例用青霉胺及锌剂治疗的 HLD患者,青霉