关注“打黑除恶” 维护社会稳定——来自省九届人大常委会第十六次会议的报道

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吉林省九届人大常委会第十六次会议听取了省公安厅关于全省公安机关打击有组织犯罪工作情况的报告。省公安厅厅长陈占旭在报告中说,一个时期以来,吉林省一些大中城市治安一度混乱,大要案频发,许多大要案均系犯罪组织所为,特别是一些带有黑社会性质的犯罪组织和流氓恶势力活动猖獗。这些犯罪活动对基层政权巩固、对社会治安稳定,特别对人民群众安居乐业构成了严重威胁。为打击有组织犯罪的嚣张气焰,吉林省公安机关从1996年起,在同严重刑事犯罪斗争中,把打击有组织犯罪作为重点,把带有黑社会性质的犯罪组织和流氓恶势力作为严打整治的重中之重。4年间,共开展了10余次全省范围的专项斗争,先后打掉团伙7531个,成员27241人。仅在去年年末开展的全省范围的“打黑除恶挖团伙”专项斗争,就打掉各类犯罪团伙675个,抓获犯罪成员3337人,破获刑事案件6483起,其中重大案件2943起,使警威大振,民心大快。 At the 16th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People’s Congress of Jilin Province, the provincial public security department heard a report on the work of the public security organs across the province on cracking down organized crime. Chen Zhanxu, director of the Provincial Public Security Department, said in a report: Since a certain period of time, the law and order situation in some large and medium-sized cities in Jilin Province has been chaos and frequent major and major crimes. Many major crimes are committed by criminal organizations, especially criminal organizations with a criminal syndicate And rogue evil forces rampant activities. These criminal activities have posed a serious threat to the consolidation of grassroots political power, to social stability and social stability, and to the people’s livelihood in particular. In order to crack down on the arrogance of organized crime, the public security organs of Jilin Province, starting from 1996, took the fight against organized crime as the key point in the struggle against serious criminal crimes and took criminal organizations with criminal syndicates and evil gangsters as serious crackdowns Top priority. During the four years, a total of more than 10 times of special campaigns across the province were carried out. There were 7,531 gangs and 27,241 members in succession. Only at the end of last year carried out in the province-wide struggle against gangs and gangs destroyed 675 criminal gangs, arrested 3,337 criminal members, cracked 6483 criminal cases, of which 2943 were major cases, So that police rallies, people happy.
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