Construction of a prokaryotic expression system of vacA gene and detection of vatA gene,VacA protein

来源 :世界胃肠病学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yedayong0007
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AIM: To construct a recombinant prokaryotic expression vector inserted with Helicobacter pylori vacA gene and identify the immunity of the expressed recombinant protein,and to determine prevalence of vacA-carryinglVacA expressing Hpyloriisolates and seroprevalence of specific ant-VacA antibody in H pyloriinfected patients.METHODS: Polymerase chain reaction technique was used to amplify complete vacA gene of H pyloristrain NCTC11637 and to detect vacA gene in 109 H pylori isolates. The amplification product of the complete vacA gene was sequenced after T-A cloning. A recombinant expression vector inserted with a complete vacA gene fragment, named as pET32a-vacA, was constructed. Expression of the target recombinant protein VacA (rVacA) was examined by SDSPAGE. West blot using commercial antibodies against whole cell of H pyloriand an immunodiffusion assay using self-prepared rabbit anti-rVacA antibody were applied to determine immunoreaction and antigenicity of rVacA. Two ELISA methods were established to detect VacA expression in H pyloriisolates and the specific anti-VacA antibody in sera from 125 patients infected with H pylori.RESULTS: In comparison with the reported corresponding sequences, homologies of nucleotide and putative amino acid sequences of the cloned vacA gene were 99.82% and 100%, respectively. The constructed recombinant prokaryotic expression system efficiently produced rVacA. rVacA was able to combine with the commercial antibodies against whole cell of H pyloriand to induce the immunized rabbit to produce specific antibody with an immunodiffusion titer of 1:4. All tested H pyloriisolates carried vacA gene, but only 66.1% expressed Vac A protein. Of the serum samples tested,42.4% were positive for specific anti-VacA antibody.CONCLUSION: A prokaryotic expression system of H pylori vacA gene was successfully constructed. The expressed rVacA can be used to detect specific anti-VacA antibody in human and to prepare antiserum in animals. The high frequency of vacA gene in H pyloriisolates, but with a low frequency of VacA expression and specific anti-VacA antibody in H pyloriinfected patients implies that VacA is not an ideal antigen for H pylorivaccine.
例1女,33岁,因"怕冷、乏力6年,头昏2d伴晕厥1次"入院.患者6年前因产后大出血,行子宫全切手术.产后无乳,并逐渐出现怕冷、乏力、脱发、纳差、性欲下降、腋毛及阴毛脱落.多次当地医院查血常规提示"贫血及血小板减少",曾间断服用"泼尼松"治疗.2个月前患者出现行动迟缓、反应迟钝、记忆力下降.1周前就诊于华西医院,查血常规示血红蛋白(HGB) 98 g/L,血小板计数(PLT) 57×109/L.凝
AIM: To clone ureB gene from a clinical isolate ofHelicobacter pyloriand construct a prokaryotic expression system of the gene and identify immunity of the expr