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美国在历史上,营养研究的重点是营养缺乏病,最近对营养在预防许多重要疾病中的可能作用有了越来越多的认识,如心脏病和卒中、几种癌症、糖尿病、骨质疏松症和肾脏病.美国癌症学会根据对营养因素如何减少癌症发生的危险的理解,提出如下建议:(1)保持理想的体重;(2)吃多样化饮食;(3)日常饮食中含有多种蔬菜和水果;(4)吃更多高纤维食物;(5)减少脂肪总摄入量;(6)限制饮含酒精饮料; The United States Historically, nutrition research has focused on nutritional deficiencies and more recently has gained a growing understanding of the possible role of nutrition in preventing many important diseases, such as heart attacks and strokes, several cancers, diabetes, osteoporosis Symptoms and Kidney Diseases The American Cancer Society makes the following recommendations based on an understanding of how nutrition factors reduce the risk of developing cancer: (1) maintaining ideal body weight; (2) eating a variety of diets; (3) Vegetables and fruits; (4) eating more high-fiber foods; (5) reducing total fat intake; (6) restricting the consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  With the aim of confirming the knowledge for precise tailoring of specific electrical resistance of composites, a spherical carbon particle is surface treat
我们对辽源地区1764名在职干部进行了健康检查,现将检查结果报告如下: 临床资料我院于1992年6月22日~7月7日对辽源地区的党务、政府、财政、银行、工商、税务、交通、公安、
【摘 要】贺州拥有得天独厚的生态环境,党的十八大提出努力建设美丽中国,给贺州生态健康旅游的发展带来新的契机。本文通过对贺州市生态健康旅游发展现状研究,对贺州市发展生态健康旅游的优势与劣势进行分析,提出了相应的发展建议。  【关键词】美丽中国;贺州市;生态健康旅游;发展  现代人饱受亚健康状态的侵害,精神压力越来越大,处于亚健康的人群越来越多,在周末及其他闲暇时间追求健康、快乐、安全、养生的短线近程
  In the study, preparation and properties of green flame retardant of silane functionalized expandable graphite composites were investigated.The coupling age
  Ablator material for thermal protection system of re-entry capsules and nozzles is often made by carbon/phenolic resin composites.For weight saving, the abl
  Two carbon fiber laminated composite plates, [0/90]2s and [0/+ 45/90/-45]s, were tested in this work by using a vertical drop-weight testing machine to find
  The studies on the non-destructive testing methods of the composite materials are very important for improving their reliability and safety.AE(Acoustic Emis
家父一生,可谓遭逢辛苦,但70余年的岁月,并没给他的身心造成什么真正的损害。他绝少生病,从未住过医院,一向精神爽朗,体魄健壮,额头发亮,双目有神。曾有一首骑自行车诗自勉:  萧萧双鬓雪千条,  旧梦迷茫不可招。  行遍天涯人未老,  犹堪铁马越长桥。  曾有人问他:“吴老,您身体如此之好,是否有什么高明的养生之道?”  家父答曰:“惟一的养生之道,乃是不锻炼。”  此话不假,家父一生不烟不酒不锻炼