Characteristics of Hydrogen Storage Alloy Mg_2Ni Produced by Hydriding Combustion Synthesis

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiward
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A high activity and large capacity of hydrogen storage alloy Mg2Ni by hydriding combustion synthesis was investigated by means of pressure composition isotherms, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The results showed that the maximum hydrogen absorption capacity of Mg2Ni is 3.25 mass fraction at 523 K, just after synthesis without any activation. The relationships between the equilibrium plateau pressure and the temperature for Mg2Ni were lgp (0.1 MPa)=-3026/T+5.814 (523 K≤ T <623 K) for hydriding and Igp (0.1 MPa)=-3613/T+6.715 (523 K≤ T ≤623 K) for dehydriding. The kinetic equation is [-ln(l-a)]3/2 =kt and the apparent activation energy for the nucleation and growth-controlled hydrogen absorption and desorption were determined to be 64.3±2.31 kJ/(mol.H2) and 59.9±2.99 kJ/(mol.H2) respectively. A high activity and large capacity of hydrogen storage alloy Mg2Ni by hydriding combustion synthesis was investigated by means of pressure composition isotherms, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The results showed that the maximum hydrogen absorption capacity of Mg2Ni is 3.25 mass fraction at 523 The relationships between the plateau pressure and the temperature for Mg2Ni were lgp (0.1 MPa) = -3026 / T + 5.814 (523 K≤T <623 K) for hydriding and Igp (0.1 MPa ) = - 3613 / T + 6.715 (523 K ≤ T ≤ 623 K) for dehydriding. The kinetic equation is [-ln (la)] 3/2 = kt and the apparent activation energy for the nucleation and growth- controlled hydrogen absorption and desorption were determined to be 64.3 ± 2.31 kJ / (mol.H2) and 59.9 ± 2.99 kJ / (mol.H2) respectively.
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中国标准连续出版物号:ISSN1671-2439/CN44-1229/TU《广州建筑》是国内外公开发行的建筑专业科技期刊,由广州市建筑集团有限公司主管、广州市建 Chinese Standard Serial No