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小军打来电话,告知丹徒四位书画家要联办一个书画展览,让我给写一篇评介文字。我说我属于“也写文章也写字,不开风气不为师”那一路的,不一定合适。小军说不碍事的,谦了半天,也就只好应承下来,好在他们四 Small army called and told Dantu four painters to be jointly organized a painting exhibition, let me write a review text. I say I belong to “write articles also write, not open style is not a division,” that way, may not be appropriate. Small army that does not matter, humble for a long time, it would have to bear down, but fortunately they four
1 Introduction The Longgen Lead-Zinc deposit is located in the southern Gangdise-Nyainqentantanglha plate and belongs to the western section of the Nyainqentant
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