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陈燮阳的名字可谓如雷贯耳,舞台上手执指挥棒激情澎湃和舞台下不苟言笑的严肃认真是出了名的。为了采访好这位大师级的指挥,对音乐只停留在粗浅级别的笔者做了大量功课,并且在约定的那一天早早赶到上海交响乐团等候着。早晨的上海交响乐团里飘荡着各种乐器的练习声,反而使得位于市中心的上交更显得安静。从大门往里走,走廊上是一个个杰出音乐家的大幅照片。院子很深,高大的香樟树在阳光下述说着这里的历史,这里的一草一木都仿佛充满艺术气息。陈燮阳不说话的时候眼睛深邃地看着你,好像能洞悉你的内心。当他说起自己的故事以及对音乐的理解之时,时而掷地有声斩钉截铁,挥动着手中无形的指挥棒,仿佛命运交响曲的开场;时而皱起眉头若有所思,用手指轻轻击打着桌面,仿佛在弹奏一曲慢板;时而吐字快速而简洁,晃动着他那著名的有如雄狮般的头发,仿佛给一个乐章划上休止符。 Chen Xie Yang’s name can be described as rule-of-himself, the stage baton passionate baton and stern stage serious is notorious. In order to interview the master commander, I did a lot of homework on the author whose music was only in the superficial level, and arrived at the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra early on the day of the agreement. In the morning Shanghai Symphony Orchestra wafting a variety of musical instruments practice, but makes in the center of the city is even more quiet. Going through the gate, the corridor is a large picture of an outstanding musician. The yard is deep, tall camphor tree in the sun below to say the history here, where the plants and trees seem to be full of artistic atmosphere. Chen Xie Yang eyes do not speak when you look deep, as if you can insight into your heart. When he talked about his own story and his understanding of music, he shouted time and again, waved the invisible baton in his hand, as if opening the fate of the Symphony of Symphony, and sometimes frowned thoughtfully, hitting his finger gently The desktop, as if playing an Adagio; from time to time articulation fast and concise, shaking his famous lion-like hair, as if to give a movement plan rest.
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