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  I really, really love my job,” says Benedict Cumberbatch in the lush 1)baritone that is one of his trademarks. “I love sets. I love crews. I love theaters. I love audiences.”
  And he has every reason to be feeling the love. After all, this is his time—the Cumberbatch Moment. Not only is his new film, The Imitation Game, a front-runner for the Academy Award(it won the People’s Choice Award at the Toronto International Film Festival, a traditional 2)bellwether), but he himself is a surefire Best Actor nominee for his touching, slyly funny performance as Alan Turing, a real-life genius who helped save England during World War II only to die alone and forgotten, a prophet without honor in his own land.
  The Imitation Game is an exciting crowd-pleaser about Turing, a socially awkward misfit whom most everyone finds weird, arrogant, and offputting. But he’s also a cosmic genius. It’s Turing who cracks the so-called Enigma code, which 3)encrypted all of the Nazi military’s wartime messages. He’s ably assisted by a team of world-class 4)cryptanalysts, which includes Joan Clarke, a brilliant mathematician whom Turing champions despite the military’s sexist objections, and with whom he becomes intimate. She’s played with resourceful intelligence and warmth by Keira Knightley, who became mates with Cumberbatch one summer when they shared a communelike farmhouse while filming Atonement, and discovered a mutual pleasure in cooking and live music.

  Although The Imitation Game is set 70 years ago, it still feels relevant. For one thing, the team’s codebreaking equipment, known as the Turing Machine, was the 5)prototype of today’s modern computer. “The algorithms Alan used during the war,” Cumberbatch says, “are still used in Google’s search engine.” Yet what gives the movie its sting is the heartbreaking fate of this lonely, decent man. Because his wartime work was marked top secret, the public never knew of his heroic achievements. More tragically, because he was totally unabashed about his homosexuality at a time when it was still illegal in Britain—Turing is today a gay icon—he was a target of police harassment.   “I felt a responsibility to show him properly,” says Cumberbatch. “Alan’s face should be on the back of banknotes like Darwin and Newton. It should be on the front of history textbooks and science books.”
  In person, you grasp what a fine actor Cumberbatch is: He’s not remotely arrogant or fragile. Youngerlooking than on-screen, he comes across as sweetly boyish, a quality that may 6)belie his sophistication as an actor but helps seal the deal with his female fans. His words come in enthusiastic flurries—“God, I talk quick,” he says when I play back a moment of tape to make sure the recorder’s working—and you never quite know where his conversation may swirl. He exudes an aura of innocent, almost 7)star-struck pleasure in his good fortune, as when he talks about the “bliss” of hanging out with Depp: “We rolled cigarettes and sat around and talked and talked and talked. He’s a friend now, which is an amazing thing to think about.”
  Now that Cumberbatch is riding so high, it’s easy to forget that, for nearly a decade before stardom hit, he’d already been a successful actor. Indeed, he was nominated for an award for his first stage performance, back in 2001. Before the show Sherlock became a certified hit, he had already starred as Stephen Hawking for the BBC and been cast in such big movies as War Horse, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, and 12 Years a Slave.
  With Sherlock, which debuted in 2010, it did. Actor and role merged 8)alchemically. Cumberbatch instantly became identified with an irresistible hero who satisfies everyone’s fantasy of 9)thumbing one’s nose at the world, especially authority, yet always being right.
  “The BBC liked the choice, too, but with one 10)proviso,” recalls Sherlock’s co-creator Steven Moffat. “They said, ‘Is he sexy enough? You promised us a sexy Sherlock.’ Back then nobody thought of him as sexy—not even Benedict.” He laughs. “Who knew that he’d wind up being a sex symbol in China?”
  He’s not kidding. When I was recently in Asia—where some Chinese people charmingly call Sherlock “Curly Fu”—people kept asking me, “Have you met Benedict Cumberbatch?” in the same awed tones with which they would’ve asked about Mick Jagger in the late sixties. He finds such 11)adulation enjoyable (“I’m tickled pink”) and occasionally 12)daft. Some fans ask him to sign pictures of otters, an animal he’s said to resemble—“It’s a great disservice,”he says dryly, “to a wonderful woodland 13)amphibious creature.” Others simply melt in his presence. “I have boyfriends coming up to say, ‘My girlfriend is obsessed with you,’ and I say, ‘I’m so sorry.’ ” He laughs in delighted 14)commiseration.   It was his range and versatility that impressed Dominic Cooke, who first directed him in Rhinoceros seven years ago at the Royal Court and is now helming The Hollow Crown, a far grander production, complete with battle scenes that show off Cumberbatch’s abilities as a horseman.

  “Benedict’s one of those actors who really can transform into something different,” Cooke tells me. “I went to see him in two roles, back to back. One was in Terence Rattigan’s play After the Dance, a very English role, uptight on the surface and filled with emotion underneath. Then I saw him 15)buck naked on the stage doing something like modern dance in Frankenstein. I don’t know any actor anywhere who could do both things as well as that. They aren’t just different characters. They are totally different kinds of acting performance.”
  Still, it’s one measure of his good sense that he tries to keep his success in perspective. Rather like George Clooney, who also didn’t get big until his mid-30s, Cumberbatch took off when he was old enough to appreciate fame without being undone by it. He can be tickled by Oscar speculation but not 16)enthralled by it. “I sometimes worry about the currency surrounding the furor—the Internet, the teens. I’m careful that it doesn’t obscure other things that I care about. When somebody says that I’m perfect for a role because it will get an audience, that immediately makes me cold on it.”
  Indeed, when I ask whose careers he might like to emulate, he names actors who he feels have“gone the distance,” meaning they 17)rose through the ranks, did decades of great work, and keep going strong—Michael Gambon, Ian McKellen, Bill Nighy…
  “The adoration thing is amazing,” he tells me,“but it won’t carry on forever, and I want my work to carry on forever”—he stops, laughing at such 18)grandiosity. “Or at least for the next 40 years.”

  《模仿游戏》剧情激动人心,很对观众口味,讲的是关于图灵的故事,这个人不善社交,与周遭格格不入,在大多数人眼中古怪、傲慢而且令人扫兴。但同时他也是一名非一般的天才。就是图灵破解了所谓的英格码—纳粹军队就是用这种代码来传达战时信息。一群世界一流的密码专家巧妙地帮助图灵,其中包括才华横溢的数学家琼·克拉克,尽管在军队中因为性别备受歧视,但是图灵一直很拥戴她,和她关系亲密。凯拉·奈特利以机智与热情诠释了这个角色。奈特利与康伯巴奇在某个夏天拍摄《赎罪》时,因为共用一个公社式的农舍,发现彼此都喜欢烹饪和露天音乐会而变成好友。   尽管《模仿游戏》讲述的是70年前的故事,但是依然没有过时。其一,剧组那个破译密码的仪器—广为人知的“图灵机器”,是今天现代计算机的原型。“图灵在战争期间使用的算法,”康伯巴奇说道,“今天的谷歌搜索引擎还在使用。”然而,这部电影触动人心之处在于这位孤独而正派的男人那让人心碎的命运。因为他在战争期间的工作是至高机密,公众从来就不知道他的英雄壮举。更可悲的是,因为他完全不羞于承认自己的性向—而同性恋在当时的英国仍被视作非法的—因而当时成为警察骚扰的对象,尽管今天他已是同性恋人士的标杆偶像。
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