大消防 大宣传 全省消防宣传工作会议圆满结束

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8月14日,为期一天的全省消防宣传工作会议在合肥落下帷幕。来自各支队的分管领导、防火处处长和先进个人代表参加了会议。 会上董福存政委首先传达了公安部“全国公安消防部队《消防法》宣贯会”主要精神,并提出了我省的贯彻意见。屠国华总队长就去年以来我省消防宣传工作情况作了总结讲话并对今后一段时间消防宣传提出了新思路,蔡智敏部长还就杂志发行工作进行了总结发言。省公安厅厅长赵正永出席了会议并就消防宣传工作特别是《中华人民共和国消防法》的宣传、贯彻、实施等问题作了重要讲话。 August 14, a one-day fire prevention publicity work conference ended in Hefei. The leaders in charge from each detachment, the Director of Fire Prevention and the advanced personal representatives attended the meeting. At the meeting, Comrade Dong Fukun first conveyed the main spirit of “Publicizing Society for Fire Prevention Law of National Public Security Fire Brigade” of the Ministry of Public Security and put forward the implementation opinions of our province. Minister Tu Guohua made a concluding remarks on the work of fire prevention and publicity in our province since last year and put forward new ideas on fire prevention and publicity for a period of time to come. Minister Cai Zhimin also made a concluding speech on the issue of magazines. Zhao Zhengyong, director of Provincial Public Security Bureau, attended the meeting and made an important speech on the publicity, implementation and implementation of the fire prevention publicity work, especially the “Fire Prevention Law of the People’s Republic of China.”
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