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2003年全国高考已经尘埃落定,新一届高三的师生们又在冲击2004年高考的征途中厉兵秣马。然而,针对已经成为历史的2003年全国卷高考语文试题,许许多多的教师以及其他语文工作者还是给予了太多太多的关注,近一段时间投往编辑部的关于2003年全国卷高考语文试题的几千份稿子便是明证。为了从今年的语文试题中总结成功的经验和失败的教训,洞察命题者的新思路,分析明年命题的新走向,也为了给来年的高考命题组反应一些广大教师的建议和意见,我们从大量来稿中撷取了部分有代表性的文章,分“献疑篇”、“礼赞篇”、“对比篇”、“启示篇”辑录,以飨读者。 In 2003, the national college entrance examination had settled down. The teachers and students of the third year of the new senior high school were rushing to attack the 2004 college entrance examination. However, many teachers and other language workers have given too much attention to the 2003 National Examination of Languages ​​in the National College Entrance Examination. Recently, they went to the editorial department of the National Examination of the National Language School in 2003. Thousands of manuscripts on the questions are proof. In order to sum up the successful experience and the lessons of failure from this year’s language test, to gain insights into the propositioners’ new ideas, analyze the new trends of propositions in the next year, and to respond to the suggestions and opinions of the majority of teachers for the college entrance examination propositions in the coming year. In the manuscript, some representative articles were drawn up, which were divided into “professional articles”, “gift articles”, “contrast articles” and “inspiration articles” for the readers.
“城市”与“城镇”高中地理新大纲中提到“城市”与“城镇”。高中地理 (试验修订本·必修 )教材中提到集市“可能演变为城市”。我国古代的“城”与“市”是两个不同的概念
THE idea that individual human beings have rights which it would be morally wrong to violate and which ought to be protected by law is a relatively unique produ
斯米爾諾夫所著高等數學教程第一卷第四章,為了講冪級數一的致收斂,先在該章§3,[147]提出了一個判斷函數項級數一致收斂的Abel定理: 定理A. ■在閉區間[a,b]上一致收斂;並
场口镇淡水珍珠养殖业,起源于1993年,当时多为农户自发尝试养殖,生产格局属于零星、分散养殖型,养殖技术落后,经济效益不高。1999年以后, 随着养殖技术不断发展和完善,养殖数
在丁桂鱼(Tinca tinca)的水库网箱养殖和微流水养殖中,含粗蛋白39.8%及41.4%的配合饲料分别在成鱼养殖及鱼苗养殖中表现出良好的生长优势及增产潜力。试验期间没有使用任何药