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在习题课的教学中,我们要求教师对题目进行有效的点拔,方法的指导,暴露思维过程,在提问时,根据问题的难度挑选适当程度的学生,让每位学生都有所收获。下面是一道函数题的教学过程展示。设函数f(x)=1x+a(a∈R)(1)a=4时,解f(x)>x+1;(2)求函数在[0,+∞]上的最小值;(3)求函数g(x)=f(x-1)-1nx的单调递增区间.给学生10分钟的自我思考时间和尝试解题时间,然后提问:师:给出a的值之后,第一问是一个什么问题?(挑选一名学困生A) In the teaching of exercises, we require teachers to effectively point out the problem, the method of guidance, exposure of thinking process, in questioning, according to the difficulty of the problem to select the appropriate level of students, so that each student gains. The following is a demonstration of the function of the teaching process. Let f (x)> x + 1 be a = 4 when the function f (x) = 1x + a (a∈R). (2) Find the minimum value of the function at [0, + ∞] (3) Find the monotonically increasing interval of the function g (x) = f (x-1) -1nx. Give students 10 minutes of self-thinking time and try to solve the problem. Then ask: Teacher: After giving the value of a, What is a question asked? (Select a poor student A)