Spleen and pancreatic tail thorax translocation facilitating residual stomach esophagus anastomosis

来源 :Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ethel_baby
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Objective:To investigate the value of spleen and pancreatic tail thorax translocation on the residual stomach esophagus anastomosis.Methods:10 patients with esophageal carcinoma after gastrectomy were enrolled in this study. Lesions were removed through left thoracotomy and residual stomach was fully mobilized,with short gastric artery being re- served.Spleen and pancreatic tail were dissected from the back of peritoneum and transposed into thorax.Residual stomach esophagus anastomosis was performed.Results:All the operation went favorably.Patients were recovered rapidly and a relatively good prognosis was acquired.Late leakage and pleural effusion happened in one case respectively,but these com- plications were cured through conservative management without operation death.Conclusion:Residual stomach is an ideal candidate for the replacement of esophagus and residual stomach esophagus anastomosis is a simple operative alternative with few trauma and good results for the treatment of esophageal carcinoma after gastrectomy. Objective: To investigate the value of spleen and pancreatic tail thorax translocation on the residual stomach esophagus anastomosis. Methods: 10 patients with esophageal carcinoma after gastrectomy were enrolled in this study. Lesions were removed through left thoracotomy and residual stomach was fully mobilized, with short gastric artery being re- served on.Spleen and pancreatic tail were dissected from the back of peritoneum and transposed into thorax. Residual stomach esophagus anastomosis was performed. Results: All the operation were favorably.Patients were recovered rapidly and a relatively good prognosis was acquired. Late leakage and pleural effusion happened in one case respectively, but these com- plications were cured through conservative management without operation death. Conlusion: Residual stomach is an ideal candidate for the replacement of esophagus and residual stomach esophagus anastomosis is a simple operative alternative with few trauma and good results for the treatment of es ophageal carcinoma after gastrectomy.
例1 陆××女18岁1988年3月21日入院住院号172551。从6岁开始,双眼患“春季卡他性结膜炎”,至今已12年,长年应用考的松或地塞米松眼药水点眼。近年双眼视力逐渐下降,各医院
淋病是由奈瑟(Neisser)氏淋病双球菌感染的性病。建国以来由于取缔了娼妓制度,淋病已被控制。新生儿淋菌性结膜炎基本绝迹,但近年来偶有发生。我科门诊碰到3例,报告如下: 例