
来源 :中国稀土学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mhpymhpy
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肥西地区侏罗纪防虎山组、园筒山组和早白垩世周公山组稀土元素具有如下特征:∑REE为157μg·g-1,δEu为0.69,(La/Yb)N为11.1。根据稀土元素比值、方差和以及REE分布模型判断,类似于佛子岭群和卢镇关群,后者可能是前者的主要源岩。三尖铺组和黑石渡组具有高的稀土总量,∑REE为264.8,328.2μg·g~1,高Eu负异常,δEu为0.57,0.67和低的Eu/Sm比值(0.18-0.19),不同于大别山地区变质岩,其源岩值得进一步研究。正阳关组稀土元素特征类似大别杂岩和卢镇关群,表明大别杂岩在新第三纪遭受剥蚀,和卢镇关群一并成为前者的源岩。淮南地区中生代砂岩具有低的稀土总量,∑REE为80.9 μg·g~1,δEu为0.66,(La/Yb)N为5.7,不同于大别山北缘砂岩以及变质岩,说明其物源不是来自于大别山地区。 The Jurassic anti-Hulushan Formation, Yuanboshan Formation and Early Cretaceous Zhougongshan Formation in Feixi area have the following characteristics: ΣREE 157μg · g-1, δEu 0.69, (La / Yb) N 11.1. According to the ratio of REE, variance and REE distribution model, they are similar to the Foziling and Luzenguan groups, which may be the main source rocks of the former. The Tristar Puding Formation and the Heishidudu Formation have a high total REE with ΣREE of 264.8 and 328.2 μg · g -1, high Eu anomaly, δEu of 0.57 and 0.67, and low Eu / Sm ratio of 0.18-0.19. Unlike the metamorphic rocks in the Dabie Mountains, the source rocks deserve further study. The characteristics of REE in Zhengyangguan Formation are similar to that of Dabie Complex and Luzenguan Group, indicating that the Dabie complex was eroded in the Neogene and became the source rock of the former together with Luzenguan Group. The Mesozoic sandstones in Huainan area have a low total REE with ΣREE of 80.9 μg · g -1, δEu of 0.66 and (La / Yb) N of 5.7, which is different from the sandstone and metamorphic rocks in the northern margin of the Dabie Mountains, indicating that their source is not from In the Dabie Mountains area.
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